Chapter 20 ~

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I wake up and find Sara not in bed with me but I have no idea where she is. I get a robe and walk out the bedroom to go find my kids so I can get them up for school but when I walk into all of their rooms they aren't there. All of them have gone. I know they aren't at Chris's because we all spend the night together me, the kids and Sara and also apparently Chris is on a date today with another women. I think her name is Sam or Samantha. Anyways Sara's gone and so are the kids. I start freaking out but then after 5 minutes I calm myself down when I hear Poppy say "momma where's mommy" and that's when I calmed down and went downstairs to go and find them. I find all of them in the kitchen with breakfast. Omg Sara must have gotten them up for school and made them breakfast. Omg she's an angel. I can't believe she did all this for me and for the kids.

I set my alarm for 6:00am last night so I can wake up the kids and also have a shower for myself and it was now that time. I get up and go in the shower but I'm being quiet just so I don't wake Jessica up. I get in the shower and wash my body and wash my hair twice and shave my legs. I then get out and put a towel around me and walk back into the bedroom. I look at Jess and see that she's still asleep, I do walk over to her and give her a kiss on the forehead but that didn't wake her up so I get my robe on once I've finished drying myself with my towel and then I walk out of the bedroom into Josephine's room and then the shared room of Poppy and Eve and then into Luke's room to wake them up for school. They all call me "momma" and I still feel a little overwhelmed. I'm happy but I'm overwhelmed too. I'm thinking of talking to Jess about how I'm feeling but I'm not the type of person to talk about how I feel because I shut people out and obviously because of my past, I couldn't really talk to anyone about how I felt because of what Ryan would say and how he said he would kill me and the people I love the most if I told anyone about my feelings, ever since then it's been hard to talk to people. Even though I know he's in jail and has been since the day of the indecent.

Anyways I get the kids out of bed and bring them downstairs but I tell them to be quiet so they don't wake up their mommy. I make them breakfast, they all want cereal so I do all 4 kids a bowl of cereal and for myself I make some toast. We were all eating at the kitchen table when Poppy says to me "momma where's mommy" and just at that time I hear footsteps coming downstairs. I knew it was Jess so I said "hey babe". She comes up to me and kisses my forehead and whispers "hey sexy, what you got on under that robe because I can't see any underwear or a top or bottoms on". I smirk and look up at her and whisper "I have nothing on babe, why?" she smirks and whispers "come upstairs after we have eaten or we could wait until the kids go to school" I whisper "lets do both" she smirks and bites her lip "ok". Thats when she gets herself some breakfast and comes to sit next to me. We tease each other under the table. She puts her hand on my thigh and rubs it, I try to push her hand away but she whispers "no babe you don't get to do that" and I whisper back "your really doing this in front of your children" she whispers back "yes and what are you going to do about it" I just say "nothing" that's when she goes higher and the Luke turns to us and says "mommies it's rude to whisper so please don't do it" me and Jess just look at each other and try an not laugh and then I say "oh Luke I'm so sorry, me and mommy won't do it again" Luke then says "thank you mommies" that made us both smile.

I walk into the kitchen and find my amazing girlfriend with my kids eating breakfast together. It looks like the kids have cereal and Sara has toast. I make my way over to my girlfriend when Sara says "hey babe". I get closer to her and kiss her forehead and whisper "hey sexy, what you got on under that robe because I can't see any underwear or a top or bottoms on". She smirks and look up at me and whispers "I have nothing on babe, why?" I smirk and whisper "come upstairs after we have eaten or we could wait until the kids go to school" She whispers back "lets do both" i smirks and bite my lip "ok".
Thats when I get myself some breakfast and sits next to Sara. We tease each other under the table by me rubbing her thigh.

A couple of minutes later the kids finish there breakfast and go back upstairs to get dressed. Me and Jess also do that too and then we get in the car and drive to the kids school. We drop the kids off and then me and Jess drive back home.

We get home and me and Sara sit down on the couch and Sara turns to me and says  "babe I need to talk to you" I look at her and say "what's wrong babe, are you okay?" I cuddle into her to reassure her that everything will be okay "It's about yesterday babe" I'm so confused but I say "what about yesterday" then it clicks, she's on about the kids calling her momma. She says "about the kids calling me momma". I look up at her from our cuddle and say "are you okay with them calling you momma" she looks back at me and says "yes I am. I'm happy that they are now excepting me into your family that you've already made with Chris which is obviously their dad so I'm happy that they call me momma but I feel a little overwhelmed which is why I went outside yesterday during the movie night to have a think about things and that's when you came out too. Also I feel so lucky that I have you as my girlfriend and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us" wow I can't believe she just told me this. I just say "aww babe. I'm glad it's made you happy that the kids call you momma and tbh you are their momma well hopefully soon legally you can be, that's if you want to but obviously now your feeling overwhelmed with it all and I'm so sorry that you feel that way but it will be okay babe. Thank you for sharing this with me" I pull her into I tighter hug and kiss her cheek and forehead. She then looks up and kisses my lips and it turns into a make out session which then lead to sex on the couch.

I've just told Jessica how I feel about the whole momma situation and how I feel happy about it but also overwhelmed by it and now that I've told her I feel so much better. I'm actually quite proud of myself for doing that.

After telling her that we kissed and then it turned into a make out session which then lead to sex on the couch.

After our sex on the couch we cuddled and then Jess got up and looked at me in the eyes and said "Christopher has a date today". Woah why the fuck is she telling me this. We just had sex and now she's telling me this. Was this on her mind the whole time? I look at her and say "oh umm that's good isn't it. What's her name do you know" she says "yes I do, her names Sam well Samantha" I think to myself. I dated a Samantha (sam) a long time ago, it could be her but if it is I better warn Christopher what she's like because she was absolutely vile to me. She abused me just like Ryan did and all my other ex boyfriends and girlfriends. It was as bad a Ryan. I thought she was still in jail tho. Maybe she is maybe she isn't. I look at Jess and say "are we going to have to meet her" she says "yes we are, we will have to meet her later today when we pick the kids up from school and bring them to Christopher's house" I say "oh okay". I think to myself again. Let's hope this is not the Sam that I know.

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