Chapter 21 ~

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Jessica has just told me that Christopher is on a date with someone called Sam/Samantha and that we have to meet her today because we will have to pick up the kids from school later and then take them to Christopher's house and apparently she will be there so that will be fun. Not.
I'm actually panicking. What if it is my abusive ex that I now have to meet again, what am I going to do. I can't go through all of that again. I can't see her I just can't.

Jess can tell that I'm being all weird so she says "babe what's wrong? Is everything okay? Have I upset you?" I just start crying and I start to get sweaty again but this time not in that way, it was more of a serious way not a sexual way. It feels like I can't breathe. I start hyperventilating and then everything goes black. I think I passed out.

I know I shouldn't have told Sara just after we've had sex on the couch but she had to know now rather than a few minutes before we have to pick the kids up or something like that so I told her. I started to notice that she started getting anxious and weird so I decide to ask her what's wrong so I say "babe what's wrong?, is everything okay? Have I upset you?" That's when she started crying and then I hear her breathing become uneven and I remember hearing this before when we were in hospital. She's about to pass out. I try and help her but I'm to late she passes out in my arms.

I'm literally crying now. I grab my phone that was off the table and call for an ambulance. I pray and pray that she's going to be okay. About 5 minutes later the ambulance pulls up and they load Sara onto the ambulance and stick IV fluids into her.

2 hours had past and Sara still wasn't awake so they tried to get her awake again by using the paddles and charging them to 300 because the nurses thought that her heart stopped. After 2 tries she finally wakes up and starts coughing. I'm so glad that she's awake now. I hold her hand and tell her that everything going to be okay and I tell her why they think she passed out. They said it was a panic attack but also she passed out from dehydration. When I told her this she started crying again. I asked her what was wrong but she just shut me out. She pushed me away and told me to leave her alone and leave the room. I didn't at first until she shouted "PLEASE JESSICA JUST GET OUT NOW PLEASE" I was shocked but left with tears in my eyes. I didn't even let her finish off her sentence I just left as soon as she raised her voice at me.

I've just woken up from being passed out for about 2 hours and a half and I see Jess in the corner of my eye. She has her hand intwined with mine and I squeeze her hand to let her know I'm awake and then I immediately start coughing. Jess is still holding my hand and she tells me that everything is going to be okay and she tells me why they think I passed out. They said it was a panic attack but also from dehydration. When Jess told me this I started crying again. I thought it was because of the thought of seeing Sam again which would explain the panic attack but obviously the dehydration was because I didn't have enough to drink. Jess asked me what was wrong but I chose to ignore her but she just wasn't letting it go so I told her to leave me alone and leave the room. She didn't at first until I shouted "PLEASE JESSICA JUST GET OUT NOW PLEASE" I was shocked that I even shouted at her like that and I could tell that she was shocked too but she left with tears in her eyes. That's when I cried even more.
I thought to myself, what have I done? What if I've just lost the love of my life?

I decided I would go get the kids and then take them back to see Sara and while I was driving there I phoned Chris to tell him to go to the hospital because that's where we will be so he could then pick up my kids.

I got to the school and they all got in the car and Luke immediately said "mom where's momma?" I just cried again. The kids started to get worried and Luke started saying "mom please don't tell me you both broke up, your perfect for each other" I said "no don't worry baby, me and momma haven't broken up, she umm... she passed out at home and she's at the hospital at the moment so we have to go to the hospital to see her and then dad will pick you up from the hospital" As soon as I said Sara passed out the kids were already crying. Luke said "is momma going to be okay mom" I looked at my son and all my other kids and said "yes, I'm sure she will be fine" That's when we finally got back to the hospital and I got the kids out the car and we all made our way back to the ward that Sara is on.

We walked into Sara's room and she smiled as soon as she saw the kids which made me smile too. The kids run up to her and hug her and say "momma are you okay" she says "yea I'm fine, don't worry about me. How was school" that's when the kids told her how school went.

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