Chapter 37 ~

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I asked Eric to come over while Jess goes and picks up the kids from her parents house after them all staying there for a few days.

I'm going to take Jess out on a date tonight and it's going to be very special. The reason as to why I want it to be special is because I'm going to propose to Jess and I 've been thinking about proposing to her for ages. I've bought a ring and now I just need to go and pick it up and I wanted Eric to come with me.

This is the ring that I'm going to pick up

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This is the ring that I'm going to pick up. The reason as to why I wanted this one is because it's mine and Jess's birthstone and it looks so beautiful. i really hope Jess will like it.

Eric is here now to pick me up so I make sure I lock the house up and then I get into Eric's car and we drive to the jewellery store to pick the ring up. I'm honestly so excited, I hope she says yes tonight.

It's now later on and I've told jess that we are going on a date so she needs to pick an outfit but she can't show me until we are ready to go. I'm sat with the kids right now and I'm going to tell them that I'm proposing to their mom.

"Hey my little favourite people in the world, can momma talk to you all about something" I say

"Of course momma, what's wrong" Eve said to me

"So momma is going to propose to mommy, and I wanted to ask you all if it's ok for me to ask your mommy" I say

"Yes, yes yes, you can definitely propose to our mommy" Poppy says while looking at all her siblings and sees them smiling and nodding their head

"So is that ok jo" I say while looking over a Jo

"Yeah it is" Jo says while smiling

"Is that ok Luke" I say while looking over at Luke

"Yeah definitely, when will you do it and will we be there" Luke says

"I'm thinking of doing it tonight, Would you all like to be there" I say

"Yes yes please, we would love it won't we girls" Luke says while looking at his siblings

"Ok then yeah we can arrange that. i will ask your Nannie ok" I say

"Yeah that's fine" Luke says

Looks like I'm going to have to change the plans but that's ok, I would rather the kids be there too. The date will be at a restaurant by the beach and sea and then I'm going to get the kids to have an engagement ring box open that will say "marry me?"on it. I just need to make sure that Jess's parents bring the kids at the right time.

I went over to Jess's parents house and asked them whether I can marry their daughter and they gave me their blessing so I'm really happy about that and they appreciated the fact that I asked them both.

Today is going to be a long and busy day, I'm just on my way back from picking up the kids from my parents house since they all stayed there for a few nights and then tonight Sara is taking me out on a date which is going to be so cute. All I know is that it's by the beach and sea.

It's now later on and the table is booked for 6pm so we will leave at 5:30pm but we have to take the kids back to my parents house first which means we will have to leave now.

We just left to go take the kids back to their grandparents house but little does Jess know that she's going to see them in about an hour and a half. I booked the table for 6pm so hopefully we should be there on time and I will propose just before we have dessert.

We arrive at the restaurant at 5:50pm and then the waitress showed us to our table with the lovely view of the beach. The plan is that the kids will eat their dinner underneath the outside balcony that we are sat at and then when I text Jess's mom the kids will make a line on the beach and have the ring boxes open with a note that says "marry me?" And then fireworks and planes will go off which will say "Jessica Capshaw will you marry me?"and at that point I will say it as I'm on one knee and then obviously it's all up to her answer.

We had our starters and our mains so now is the time to ask her

For starters we both had escalopes and then for mains Sara had a vegetable lasagna and I had spaghetti bolognese with a garlic bread to share. We've order our desserts, sara had a crème brûlée and I had an apple and rhubarb crumble and we're just waiting for them and as me and sara were talking fireworks appeared and then this plane flew by that said "LOOK DOWN AND THEN LOOK AT SARA" when I looked down I saw my kids standing there with what looked like ring boxes and then I looked back at sara and they were down on one knee. I knew what was happening and I wanted to just scream yes. Before I could say anything another plane went past and said "JESSICA CAPSHAW WILL YOU MARRY ME" and Sara said it just at the same time and that's when I said yes.
"Yes sara I will marry you"

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