Chapter 23 ~

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I look at Chris and then look at Jess and they both say "so what was that all about Sara?" That's when I say "okay so Sam is my ex girlfriend. We were together for 6 months-1 year and she was very abusive towards me just like Ryan was. She put me in hospital a lot. I was in a lot of comas. All of my ex girlfriends and boyfriends abused me. It was really really bad. I'm not going to go into detail but it was as bad as Ryan" . Chris looked at me and said "Sara, I really am sorry that you went through that and that you had to see her again, if I would of known I wouldn't of gone on a date with her" I burst into tears again and Chris comes over to me and puts and arm around me. I'm so confused as to why. I thought he doesn't like me. I say "it's okay Christopher. I... I just freaked out when I saw her. I'm sorry for swearing in front of the kids. I just never thought I would see her again." Jess then comes and sits next to me and grabs my hand and hold it in hers and puts her arms around me since I sat up to tell this story. Chris is one side of me and Jess is the other side. They are both hugging me. Chris then says "it's fine. I'm really sorry again. I will go find her and tell her that we're done and I never want to see her again" Jess replies to that and says "thank you Chris. It means a lot that your here for Sara" I say "yeah it is. Thank you" he says to the both of us "your welcome" then Chris walks out and will most likely go to see Sam first and then get the kids from Jessica's parents house.

While Sara was telling me and Chris that this women was her ex girlfriend and was very abusive towards her I felt so so bad for her. It broke me to see her like this. She was crying, I was crying and surprisingly Chris was crying. Chris even went up to Sara and put his arms around her. I never expected that from Chris especially because of his past just before me and him broke up but then again that was a long time ago so he must have changed. I then go up to her and hold her hand and then wrap my arms around her too so me and Chris were now hugging Sara.

A little while later Chris leaves the room and will most likely go to see Sam first and then get the kids from my parents house.

I know from my past that I never really liked Sara but as the years have gone by I've changed. She makes Jess happy so that makes me happy which then means that she's the one for her so I have to respect that and respect Jess and Sara and so I do.

Anyways while Sara was telling me and Jess that the women that I went on 3 dates with was her ex girlfriend and was very abusive towards her I felt so bad for her. When she told me everything I actually started crying, Sara was crying too and so was Jess.

When I say "Sara, I really am sorry that you went through that and that you had to see her again, if I would of known I wouldn't of gone on a date with her"Sara just cries again so I go over to her and wrap my arms around her to comfort her. Then Jess does the same too.

I then leave the room to go talk to Sam and tell her that I don't want to ever see her again because she hurt Sara. I tell her and she just slaps me and then runs away crying. I'm shocked that she slaps me. My nose started bleeding but I was okay so I cleaned the blood up and went to Jessica's parents house to get my kids.

This is the end of chapter 23. Sorry that this one is short. Please if anyone has any suggestions then please comment them below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗

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