Chapter 40 ~

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It's now 6 months later. Sofia is 6 months old and after she was born we went home the day after. Sofia has been amazing since she was born, she sleeps during the night and has a nap just after lunchtime. She only cries if she's hungry or needs the toilet or has obviously hurt herself. She is just adorable.
Sara and Jessica have been planning their wedding and today is the day that they're getting married. Everyone that was a Jessica's leaving party from greys anatomy will be there and Jessica's parents and Sara's parents will be there and of course the kids and baby Sofia will be there.

It's now 6 months later. Sofia is 6 months old and after she was born we went home the day after. She has been amazing. She doesn't cry unless she's hungry or needs the toilet or has obviously hurt herself. She also sleeps during the night which is incredible for us.

Back to the present day, today is a very very special day. Today is the day. Today will be the best day of my life beside the day all my kids were born and the day Sara asked me to marry them but today is the day that I will get to marry the love of my life. I can't believe I'm getting married for the second time. I wish I met Sara sooner and we admitted our feelings before I went through all of the pain and hurt with Chris.

Anyways, i'm stranding in my wedding dress, while looking in the mirror of my hotel room and tears just immediately fall from my eyes. I'm getting married to Sara. I've dreamed of this since the day I met them. i can't believe it's happening today

It's now 6 months later. Sofia is 6 months old and after she was born we went home the day after. She has been amazing. She doesn't cry unless she's hungry or needs the toilet or has obviously hurt herself. She also sleeps during the night which is incredible for us.

Back to the present day, today im getting married. Im marrying the love of my life. I can't believe I'm getting married for the second time. I wish I met Jess sooner and we admitted our feelings before I went through all of the pain and hurt with Ryan.

Anyways im glad that im no longer with Ryan and I managed to get out of that relationship even if it meant me being in hospital for nearly 2 years.

As I'm putting my suit on I start to cry and then Eric comes in and sees me crying. He comes up to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey hey Sara why are you crying, everything is going to be ok" Eric says.

"Ik, it's happy tears because I'm marrying the women of my dreams and she's the most beautiful women in the world and she's going to be my wife" I say.

"I know and you are very lucky to have her in your life and she's lucky to have you" Eric says

"Yes I know" I say

We hug even more and then I let go and wipe my tears and finish getting ready.

I'm literally going insane because I haven't seen Sara since yesterday but I know that when I next see them it will be at the alter.

My hands are starting to shake as I'm walking down the aisle and I spot Sara in their suit at the alter and wow they look incredibly hot. They give me a smile and I smile back. I see all of our friends and family as I'm walking down and it makes me so happy. We hold hands as soon as I reach the alter.

As the vicar speaks I look and Jess and whisper "you look stunning" and she smiles and blows me a kiss to say thank you. That's when the vicar asks me to do my speech.

"I Sara Elena Ramirez take thee Jessica Brooke Capshaw to be my lawful wedded wife, to have a to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, to death do us apart"

I smile as I look at Jess to see her smiling and wiping her tears away just like me.

They're so cute like honestly I can't wait for them to be my partner and for me to be their wife.

After Sara does their speech they smile at me and I smile back while trying to wipe my tears away and prepare myself since it's my turn now.

"I Jessica Brooke Capshaw take thee Sara Elena Ramirez to be my lawful wedded partner. to have a to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, to death do us apart"

I've now finished the speech and everyone in the room is crying. The vicar then goes through all the laws and we do our vows. Then we get the rings ready, Josephine is carrying my ring that will fit Sara's finger.

Jess has just finished her speech and everyone in the room is now in tears. The vicar then goes through the laws and we do our vows. Then we get the rings ready. Luke is carrying my ring that will fit Jessica's finger.

Vicar's pov:
"I think this couple is the most cutest couple ever and congratulations on your baby and congratulations on getting married because I now pronounce you partner and wife. Sara you may now kiss your bride"

That's when everyone claps and cheers for the newly wedded couple Sara Elena Ramirez Capshaw and Jessica Brooke Ramirez Capshaw.

This is the end of chapter 40 [part 1- wedding] Please if anyone has any suggestions then please comment them below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗

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