Chapter 24 ~

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3 days have passed and today is the day that Sara will be out of hospital. Jessica and Sara will then go back to work a week after Sara gets out of the hospital. They still haven't left Grey's Anatomy just yet but Sara is planning on leaving if anything else happens to Calzona. Calzona did get a divorce but Jess managed to convince Sara to stay just incase the writers may bring Calzona back together.

Sara leaves the hospital today, thankfully, it's around 7am right now, she leaves around 11am depending on how she feels today. The doctors and nurses have to do more tests to see if she's better. She's been drinking more water which is good so hopefully they will let her out at 11am and not any later than that.

I'm already awake but she's not. I look over at her and kiss her forehead. She looks so beautiful, I love her so much. She's the love of my life. I stroke her hair and just look at her while she's sleeping.

About half an hour later Sara wakes up and sees me, the nurses see that Sara is awake so they come in and check on her. They do the tests early because they know that we just want to leave so they do them now. While we are waiting for the tests me and Sara just have a conversation about lots of different things like the kids, work, our future together and lots more other things. I'm so excited about what the future hold for me and Sara.

I'm now awake and the nurses come in to check on me. They do more tests to see if I'm feeling any better. To be honest I do feel a little better. The first night was hard because I had to see Sam that day and I did have a nightmare as well so Jess had to look after me a lot that night because I couldn't and wouldn't do anything. Then the second day and night was better, I felt more hydrated which was good and they told us that we could go home the next day (today) and so that's why I'm kinda excited.

While we are waiting for the tests me and Jess just have a conversation about lots of different things like the kids, work, our future together and lots more other things.

An hour later the nurses come back and say that they have the test results and the result is that they came back all clear which is good because that means that we can be discharged whenever we are ready so as soon as the nurses leave the room we get packing and leave. We were meant to pick up the kids later but because I was getting out today Chris said he would have the kids for another day which I think me and Jess are thankful for that.

Sara's getting discharged now. We packed our things and we're leaving. We were meant to pick up the kids later but Chris decided to have them for an extra day so me and Sara could spend some time together at home while she gets better too.

This is the end of chapter 24. Sorry that this one is short. Please if anyone has any suggestions then please comment them below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗

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