Chapter 13 ~

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Part 2

Everyone else's POV:
Some of us haven't seen Sara or Jessica since Sara was in hospital which was years ago, like 2 years ago but some of us have seen them at work so all of us are excited to see them both. Like we've all said before we think Sara and Jessica should be a couple, I mean they are both divorced they are both single from what we all know and I mean they play a couple and are married on a show so it's the perfect time so we're all planning on playing truth or dare or never have I ever or 2 truths and 1 lie or even spin the bottle lol. etc. We will try all of them but it will be a very long night. Let's just hope it goes right for all of us and especially them.

Me and Sara asked everyone what they wanted to drink and then we all got them and headed into the living room to chill and play games.


Jesse is now here and so far we've played 'cards against humanity' and 'convo and chill'. The next game is probably gonna Truth or Dare. I thought it would be nice for Jesse to ask someone first since he just came here so he asked Sarah Drew.

Me and Jess asked everyone what they wanted to drink and then we all got them and headed into the living room to chill and play games.


Jesse is now here and so far we've played 'cards against humanity' and 'convo and chill'. The next game is probably gonna Truth or Dare so let's play.

Anyone's POV:
Jesse: "Sarah, truth or dare?"

Sarah: "dare"

Jesse: "ok I dare you to take 3 tequila shots"

Sarah: "okay sure"
~Sarah takes the 3 tequila shots.

Sarah: "truth or dare Jessica"

Jessica: "dare"

Sarah: "I dare you to kiss someone in this room for 2 whole minutes"

Jessica: "so I can chose anyone that I want"

Sarah: "yep"

Jessica: "ok well yeah I'll chose Sara"

Sara: "wait what me"

Jessica: "yep you"
~ Jessica kisses Sara

I get up from my seat and walk over to Sara since she's the one who I really want to kiss. I've wanted to properly kiss her for so long so here's my chance but I wish the first wasn't in front of everyone.

As soon as I get to Sara I ask her to move her legs so I could sit on her lap and she let me. I straddled her very slowly at first and then built up my pace. I had my hands around her neck and she had her hands around my waist. Sara then looked at my lips and then into my eyes and then back to my lips and leaned in towards me. I knew that this was when we were gonna kiss so I leaned in too and the next second I felt her lips on mine and we were kissing. I was still straddling her lap at this time. It felt amazing. I heard everyone clapping and giving us the whistle but I didn't care, what I did care about is the fact that I'm kissing the women of my dreams. I kinda wanted to take it further after a minute so I slipped my tongue on her lips to ask for permission and she let me in so our tongues are now touching and we're fighting for dominance. This was a proper heated make out that lasted 2 minutes. I loved it, I could see the smile on Sara's face while we were making out and I think I even heard and felt her moan in my mouth so I did the same.
The 2 minutes were now up, we pulled away from each other's lips with smiles on our faces and our checks bright red. I was still sat on her lap straddling her tho even when I heard Eric speak.

A long time: Capmirez/CapirezOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant