Chapter 17 ~

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JC- "what did you want to talk to both of us about Shonda" Jessica asked me.

"Well it's about Calzona. I wanted to chat to you 2 about it first before the table read that is tomorrow"

SR- "what is it Shonda, just tell us" Sara said to me

"I'm so sorry for doing this to the both of you and to the fans and to calzona but me and the writers have umm... decided to..."

JC and SR- "just spit it out" Jessica and Sara say to me

"We've decided that calzona should get a divorce"

SR- "WHAT. WAIT WHAT. OMG I knew it. How could you Shonda. No that is not ok. I will not accept this. Me and Jess will not accept this. Will we babe?" Sara says looking at me and then to Jessica

JC- "no we won't. What about the fans? What about us? What about 'Sofia'? Did you not think how this will effect EVERYONE and EVERYTHING" Jess shouts

"Yes I did think about it. I love calzona so much but they've been through a lot"

JC- "yeah they have. They've gone through a lot of things like: a plane crash, the aftermath of it, a car crash, the aftermath of it, a pregnancy, losing a second baby, getting married, Arizona cheating, Arizona leaving for Africa, Arizona not wanting babies, Callie sleeping with Mark to make a baby. They've gone through a lot but your about to put them through a divorce too. That's just cruel" Jessica practically shouts at me

SR- "it's very true Shonda. We are so mad at you and the fans will be too and probably the rest of the cast" Sara says

"I'm so sorry, I really am. I know they've gone through a lot but that's life. These things happen sometimes"

SR- "true, that is life but I just can't. Why just why" Sara says and then gets up to leave

"No Sara don't go"

SR- "no I'm going. I'm sorry, I'm not leaving for good yet but I'll see you when we have the table read and thanks for telling me beforehand" Sara shouts and then leaves my office

"Jessica I'm so sorry. Please forgive me"

JC- "I'll forgive you when the time is right but right now I'm gonna leave and go after Sara who's the love of my life on camera and off camera" Jessica shouts and then chases after Sara

"Ok bye then"

Wow I feel so bad, that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I hope everyone can forgive me for this.

After Shonda telling the both of us what she's going to do to Calzona I can tell that Sara is extremely upset and I am too because if it wasn't for Calzona I don't think we would actually be this close and get together. Even though we were friends before Grey's Anatomy (we were actually friends as teenagers) It wouldn't have gotten this far but then again I have loved her since we became friends, it was just that Grey's Anatomy made us be together on the show so that made me want to be with her in real life too.

Anyways I run out of Shonda's office to look for Sara. I look everywhere on set and she's not there so I go outside and check in the car and I still can't see her. This is making me worry now. She's nowhere to be seen. I'm just gonna text her.

Me: hey Sara baby, where r u beautiful? I've looked everywhere for u at work and ur not there. Where r u babe?

I've just sent it. I'm waiting and waiting for her to reply. I'm constantly crying because I miss Sara and I just want to be there with her and I m also crying because Calzona's going to break up.
About an hour and a half later I get a reply back.

Sara: hey baby girl, I'm so sorry I ran out of Shonda's office. I'm just really upset about the fact that Calzona's going to get a divorce, I'm fine, I'm safe. Just go home and I'll be there soon babe.

Me: ok I'm glad your safe but pls babe tell me where u r so I can be there for u because that's allI want to do.

Then it hit me, she could be at the secret place that she goes to whenever she's upset. I've known about it since we were teenagers. It would sometimes be our hangout spot. Anyways I put the keys in the ignition of my car since I was already in my car and then I drive off to our special place. While I was driving I get another text from Sara.

Sara: ok fine I'm at my secret please where I love to go. It's the one where we used to hang out as teenagers. U can come if u want to.

Me: yeah I'm coming babe don't worry

Sara: ok see u in a bit. I love you bye

Me: I love you too bye babe

Sara: bye babe. I love you more

Me: nope

Sara: yeah

I arrive at my destination and I get out the car and walk further into the secret place. I see a figure in the distance and instantly knew who it is. It's Sara.
"Sara" I shouted.

As soon as Shonda told the both of us about what's happening to Calzona, I couldn't help but be mad at her. I even cried as I was shouting at her. After the whole shouting thing I left the room. I just couldn't be in a room with her at all. I decided to go to my secret spot. It's been my secret spot ever since I moved here when I was a teenager and I first met Jessica. Me and Jess would go there when we wanted to hangout and get away from all of our parents drama and school.

I get in my car and drive off to my secret spot. I get there and take a stroll to the main part of the place and I sit down and begin to cry again. I let it all out. I'll tell you more about my secret spot later.

About an hour and 45 minutes go by and I look at my phone and see that I have a text from Jess and so I read it.

Jess: hey Sara baby, where r u beautiful? I've looked everywhere for u at work and ur not there. Where r u babe?

Me: hey baby girl, I'm so sorry I ran out of Shonda's office. I'm just really upset about the fact that Calzona's going to get a divorce, I'm fine, I'm safe. Just go home and I'll be there soon babe.

Jess: ok I'm glad your safe but pls babe tell me where u r so I can be there for u because that's allI want to do.

I see the text and instantly I feel bad not telling her where I am. She has probably figured it out now because she always does so she's probably on her way but I still decided to message her back and tell her where I am.

Me: ok fine I'm at my secret please where I love to go. It's the one where we used to hang out as teenagers. U can come if u want to.

Jess: yeah I'm coming babe don't worry

Me: ok see you in a bit. I love you bye

Jess: I love you too bye babe

Me: bye babe. I love you more

Jess: nope

Me: yes

I was alone in my thoughts and also crying when I heard someone shout my name. I instantly knew who it was. It was Jessica so I shouted "Jess" and then I turned around and there's she was. I got up and ran to her, she ran to me too and we hugged and cried in each other's arms. We pulled apart and we both realised that there were tears all down our clothes. We then started laughing and then kissed.

"Sara" I shouted.
The next minute I hear someone shout my name. I knew it was Sara. She turned around to face me and she saw me in the distance and I saw her so we both ran towards each other and hugged and cried in each other's arms. We pulled apart and we both realised that there were tears all down our clothes. We then started laughing and then kissed.

This is the end of chapter 17 [part 2]. Please if anyone has any suggestions then please comment them below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗

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