Chapter 16 ~

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6 months have past and Jessica and Sara's relationship has been the best ever. The kids know about them been together and they are all so happy about it. Christopher knows too and he's actually happy for Jess because he's realised that Jess is happy and she's happier without him so he's doing ok too. Ryan's still in prison. He's staying in prison for the rest of his life.

Jessica and Sara have been on lots of dates and they've also moved in together too. The sex is absolutely mind blowing. They decided that the 2 houses next to each other were gonna be their holiday home or break. They were gonna sell them but they didn't want to. Jessica, Sara and the kids have been spending a lot of time together too and it's very cute.

They still aren't public yet with their relationship but they are thinking about it. The only people that know are the greys anatomy cast and both of their parents and siblings.

It has been 6 months already since the day me and Sara made it official and she became my girlfriend.
I'm so happy, I'm the happiest that I've ever been, she makes me happy.

Anyways it's a Monday and we have work. Shonda has something that she wants to talk to me and Sara about. It's about Callie and Arizona tho. On Friday last week we filmed the sex scene in season 11 episode 5. We only really filmed that scene. We have no idea what is gonna happen after it. I really hope Arizona and Callie get back together properly because I hate arguing with Sara well Callie and the fact that we couldn't even talk in Grey's for 30 days is just the shitest thing ever because me and Sara would even go home and just cry about it. Calzona can't end it just can't. We're soulmates on the show and off the show. Calzona just can't end the fans would be so sad. Yeah ok they've gained the real us, they've gained Capmirez/Capirez but they don't know that and at the same time they could lose Calzona.

Back to the present day and not my thoughts, Me and Sara are eating our breakfast and so are the kids.

Once we've all finished eating Sara tells the kids to go get ready for their father (Chris) to pick them up so then he can take them to school since he always does Mondays because our house is on the way to his work well his office and so is the school so he takes the kids to school on Mondays which helps me and Sara out a lot because Mondays is always busy for us because of filming. The kids leave and me and Sara leave for work a little bit after. We had a quick shower together which turned into shower sex. The kids left by then so we were all alone so we thought that it was the right time.

We get to set and Shonda calls us in for a table read but right now it's just a table read between me and Sara and Shonda's obviously there to talk to us. I'm so scared and nervous. This is obviously about Calzona since she did say that it would be. Let's find out what she has to say.

It has been 6 months already since the day me and Jess made it official and she became my girlfriend.

Today is a Monday and we have work. Shonda has something that she wants to talk to me and Jess about. It's about Callie and Arizona tho. On Friday last week we filmed the sex scene in season 11 episode 5. We only really filmed that scene. We have no idea what is gonna happen after it like for Callie and Arizona. Are they gonna make us split for good and get a divorce? What's going to happen to Sofia? I really hope Arizona and Callie get back together properly. Me and Jess would even go home and just cry about it. Calzona can't end it just can't. We're soulmates on the show and off the show. Calzona just can't end the fans would be so sad. Yeah ok they've gained the real us, they've gained Capmirez/Capirez but they don't know that and at the same time they could lose Calzona.

Anyways, Me and Jess are eating our breakfast and so are the kids.

Once we've all finished eating I tell the kids to go get ready for their father (Chris) to pick them up so then he can take them to school. The kids leave and me and Jess get ready to leave for work a little bit after. We had a quick shower together which turned into shower sex. The kids left by then so we were all alone so we thought that it was the right time and then we leave after we've got dressed.

We get to set and Shonda calls us in for a table read but right now it's just a table read between me and Jess and Shonda's obviously there to talk to us. I'm so scared and nervous. This is obviously about Calzona since she did say that it would be. Let's find out what she has to say.

I feel so bad for doing this. It's going to kill the fans and probably kill Jessica and Sara since they are in a relationship with each other now and have been for I think 6 months now.

The fans already hate me because I made Arizona cheat on Callie in Grey's Anatomy and because of other things too so they are obviously going to hate me for this too. I feel so guilty about it. Jessica and Sara filmed part of Season 11 episode 5 on Friday. We mainly just concentrated on the therapy session and the sex and kiss that they had in it but now I was gonna have to break the news to them that calzona were going to get divorced and that Callie would have a new love interest. I'm so nervous and scared because I know they are gonna be pissed at me.

There was a knock at my office door on set and I shouted for whoever it was to come in. I'm guessing it was Sara and Jessica and I was right. They walked in and we did our friendly hug and greetings and then this was where the talk would begin.

"Jessica, Sara please sit down" they both sat down on the chair that was in front of me

JC- "what did you want to talk to both of us about Shonda" Jessica asked me.

This is the end of chapter 16 [part 1]. Please if anyone has any suggestions then please comment them below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗

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