Chapter 27 ~

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I've just found Sara running. She was most likely running to secret tree house that we have. She stopped running and I got out the car and gave her a hug and then picked her up even though she was sweating like crazy I still picked her up and put her in the car and then we drove home.

Why did Shonda have to choose that girl for Callie's new love interest? Like why her? Out of all people why her?

I can't believe it's her. Why her. Couldn't it have been someone else and not her.

I'm definitely quitting. They can pretend to add me in the scenes with Penny but I'm definitely quitting. I just can't do it. I can't even see her because if I go anywhere near her there's a chance I could kill her. Actually no I definitely won't do that but you get what I mean. I don't even want to say who they really are. I just can't.

Ok so I managed to calm Sara down. She's decided that she's going to leave Grey's Anatomy which I'm very upset about but I can understand why. She probably won't tell anyone the main reason why but I will say it just once. Penny is Samantha. So as you can tell Sara definitely doesn't want to work with Samantha so yeah Sara is now leaving Grey's Anatomy.

I've decided I'm leaving Grey's Anatomy because Penny is Samantha. You know Samantha, you know the little abusing piece of shit Samantha. Yea her. She's Penny.


Today I'm going to tell Shonda that I'm leaving. I'm very upset about this but it's for the best. I can't be in a room with Samantha so this just isn't going to work. Jess is coming with me so we're just getting ready to leave our house.

A few minutes later, we leave the house and drive to Shonda's office which is on set. I'm very nervous to tell her that I'm quitting. I love my job but I just can't do it anymore.

We get there and knock on the door and wait until she says come in and then we walk into Shonda's office. I guess it's now or never...

I'm sat in my office when I hear a knock on my door. I tell whoever it is to come in and I see Sara and Jessica standing there looking nervous and a little bit sad. I wonder what's going on...

SR- "hey Shonda we've come to talk to you about something, is that ok?" Sara says while looking at Jessica.

"Of course it is. What's wrong? You both look very sad"

SR- "I'm very sorry but because of the whole situation with Samantha and Penny I think it's best that I leave Grey's Anatomy" Sara says.

"Omg no, I'm so sorry that you feel like you have to do that. But I completely understand Sara, we will all miss you and make sure you come back soon"

SR- "yes don't worry Shonda I will most likely be back. I'm just taking a break. It will most likely be after Penny leaves if your keeping her" Sara says to me.

"Oh okay yea that's fine and Jess will you be staying or are you leaving too"

JC- "ill be staying Shonda, if that's ok with you" Jessica says

"Yes honey that's fine. I'm really sorry Sara, I wish everything could be different but I wish you the best"

SR- it's ok don't worry about it. I wish everything could be different too" Sara says to me.

"Yea same. Alright is that all you want to speak to me about"

SR and JC- "yes it is" Sara and Jessica say to me.

JC- "we will leave you to it because it looks like you have a lot of work to do so bye" Jessica says

"Bye Sara, bye Jessica, I'll see you next week Jessica"

SR- "bye" Sara says

JC- "yes I will, bye Shonda" Jessica says


We hug and then Jessica and Sara leave.

After we leave Shonda's office and leave set we both go and get the kids from Christopher's house and then go out for a meal with just the 6 of us as a family meal.

This is the end of chapter 27 [part 3]Please if anyone has any suggestions then please comment them below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗

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