Chapter 5 ~

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It had been 5 hours since I got here and she's still not out of surgery. I'm worried sick. What if something has happened to her.

It has now been 10 hours and she's still not out. I haven't stopped crying. I had to get a nurse to phone Eric, Patrick, Ellen, Justin,Kate, Chyler, Camilla, Sarah and Caterina. I needed a support system for me and for Sara.

It's been 20 hours now and she still not out. I can't lose her, I just can't. I say this to everyone that's with me now. They can tell that I still haven't slept so they tell me to go to sleep for a bit even if I can't but I'll try and they will let me know if anything has changed.
Before I fall asleep I pray and pray that she will be alive and that she doesn't get to die on me ever.

Everyone else's POV:
We all tell Jessica to get some sleep, we can tell she's worried. It's been 20 hours since Sara went into surgery and she's not out yet. Some of us think it's to late and she's dead but some of us don't and think she's alive. We haven't told Jessica that some of us feel like Sara's gonna die because it will upset her even more and she doesn't need the extra stress and stuff. We just need to hope and pray that she's alive.
We've never seen Jessica care this much about Sara. We all knew they were close but we didn't realise she was this close to her. She's been crying ever since she phoned us all and probably before that too. We all think that they should be a couple.

I guess

The last thing I remember was getting beaten up by my own husband really badly. Again. and also phoning for an ambulance and speaking to Jessica. I'm pretty sure I'm in the OR right now on the table.
I keep on crashing and I have been for 13 hours. I just keep on letting go of life. There's no point anymore, no one loves me. All my relationships have been abusive and I'm fed up of it. I just can't be strong anymore and all I want to do is die. Jess doesn't need me or want me she's got Chris. We're never gonna be together and have a family and get married. So I guess that's why I keep letting go. I've loved Jess ever since the day I met her which was probably in my late 20s and since then I've hid this from her. I know she doesn't feel the same. She could never. No one would love someone who got abused by every single ex boyfriend and girlfriend they've ever had.

I could tell that the surgeons wouldn't give up on me. I could also hear all my friends praying for me. They had been doing this for 20 hours even tho I've been crashing for most of it. The surgeons are still here working on me.

Everyone else's POV:
A few hours later the surgeons come out and told us what had happened in the surgery and why it took so long. We were all shocked. We all just cried even more. Jessica heard us crying and woke up and when she heard what happened she broke down again. We couldn't believe what was happening.

I had woken up from a sleep because I heard everyone else crying their eyes out. I knew it had something to do with Sara so I immediately woke up and when they told me what was happening I just burst into tears again. I couldn't believe it. My Sara.

They explained that the surgery was going well until about 7 hours in, Sara was then crashing because of bleeds from her organs and from complications too and she was trying to let go for so many hours. For hours and hours all she wanted to do was die so she kept on crashing during the surgery. The surgeons wasn't letting her die tho. They kept bringing her back and they all fought for her. It was kinda a miracle that they were saving her even tho she had been crashing none stop for about 13 hours straight. Her heart even stopped and so did her brain a few times which meant she became brain dead but they managed and idk how but they managed to get her back.
However, she's in a coma and they have no idea how long that will be for.
I just cried and cried and cried all day long.

A long time: Capmirez/CapirezUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum