Chapter 4 ~

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After me and Sara filmed the sex scene, we went our separate ways back to our trailers. She went to hers and I went to mine obviously we were next to each other tho so I could see what she was doing and she could see what I was doing. I kept on looking in and trying to get her attention by waving but she doesn't see me.

Unexpectedly, the next thing she does is take her clothes off and is just standing there in her black and purple underwear (bra and thong) while she's on her phone. I couldn't stop starting, I'm hoping she won't notice me staring at her through the windows. God she looks so sexy I thought to myself. Just looking at her is making me wet. The next thing I know is that she starts putting music on and starts dancing half naked in her underwear. She looks so hot, I'm literally drooling just by looking at her.

I thought it would be a funny idea to do the same thing so I take my clothes off and I'm in my red lace Calvin Klein bra and thong from earlier that Sara saw me in. I then start dancing around my trailer with music on.


I may have got carried away and was now dancing fully naked to the song Universe and U that me and Sara sang together in the musical episode. Halfway through the song I get a text from Sara.

Sara: Hey Jess, looks like your having a lot of fun. Probably too much fun😉 pls can I join u? 😏Because u look really sexy like that xxx

Me: hey Sara, omg I'm so sorry, I forgot u could see me. Pls just forgot that u can see me like this. And yeah sure u can come over, just let me get changed cuz this is probably the scare of ur life. Thanks for saying I look sexy tho xxx

Sara: haha, don't be sorry, I was kinda doing the same thing. I could never forgot what I just witnessed and anyways it's not like I've never seen it before because I have seen everything. I'll be round in 10 minutes or whenever ur ready. Also your welcome but it is true tho xxx

Me: okay see you in a bit xxx

Sara: bye xxx

I can't believe that Sara saw me like that, she saw me naked like fully naked. Omg I'm actually so embarrassed and I can't believe she said that she wanted to join me. Like what does that mean. Does she want to have sex with me? Since we're both naked so would she want to do that? It did make me blush and made me very wet. Before I could do anything to myself I remembered that Sara's coming round so I decide to go get some clothes on before she comes over.


I hear a knock on my trailer door and get up from my couch to let Sara in. She looks me up and down and then smiles. I invite her in and we just have a normal small conversation about how our days gone and stuff like that. We both decided to go out clubbing together tonight or more like to the pub/bar so we go and put on some other clothes. I chose to wear a black top with blue jeans and some white high heals. Sara wore a blue t-shirt, a black blazer, a black silky jeans and some black high heals. She looks amazingly stunning.

We leave the trailer and get into my car and drive to the place that we're gonna go to to have fun. For some reason we both agreed to go to a strip club lol.

While we were in the car Sara got a phone call and I saw who it was from. It was from Ryan. I didn't want to listen in on the conversation so I just kinda thought about other things and concentrated on my driving.

We got there and I ordered me and Sara a drink. I asked for a Bacardi and coke and Sara went for a Malibu and coke. We got our drinks and sat down at a booth. It was nice to spend some time with her and relax a bit, away from work and the drama between both of our families. Chris is still arguing with me about me having an affair with Sara when I'm not and so it's really hard for me when I try and tell him the truth and he just ignores me and just doesn't believe me.

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