Chapter 8 ~

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Sara crashed about 20 minutes ago, she still hasn't woken up. They had to take her to get a head CT and a MRI but I haven't heard back from the doctors. I really hope she hasn't died because I would kinda blame myself if she did die because she was absolutely fine before I was gonna tell her that I'm in love with her.

A little while later one of her surgeons that she's had during this year came up to me and said she had to have another surgery because she has an aneurysm in her brain. I just cried. I couldn't believe it. That could be why she had a seizure but at the same time I think it's because I kinda nearly told her that I love her. I'm not sure.

I think I crashed because I was scared that she was either gonna say that she loves me or that it's someone else. I didn't want to go through the heartbreak so I just thought the easiest thing was to let go for a little bit.

An hour later I found myself waking up in the OR probably from a anaesthesia. I think that's why they woke me up and they told me to speak and the surgeons asked me some questions. I'm guessing I'm having brain surgery right now which is why they woke me up so they don't mess anything up with my speech or sight or other things. Before they close I have to go back to sleep so they put me back on the general anaesthetic for me to go to sleep and then wake up later in the ICU well hopefully I should wake up on my own.


I wake up and see Jessica sitting next to me on the bed holding my hand and also I see her kids on the chairs next to my bed. I wiggle my fingers to let her know I'm awake and she looks up at me and smiles, I smile back. Well try to at least.

The surgeons tell me that the surgery went good, they managed to remove the aneurysm and fix what had happened and that she's now in the ICU. I asked if I could go see her and sit with her and they said yes. The kids also had to come and see Sara and me so I told them parts of what happened and they just gave me a hug and said that everything's going to be ok. My kids are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm so lucky to have supportive and kind and loving kids to help me when things get tough.

Since I walked back into the ICU room I sat on the hospital bed with Sara in my arms and I also held onto her hand sometimes. My kids would sometimes hug Sara and say "get better soon" or "please wake up, my mommy needs you" and other things and sometimes they would just sit on the chairs.

The next thing I know is I feel Sara's hand move and I look up at her with a few tears in my eyes and then I smile, she tries to smile back at me which is so sweet.

This is the end of chapter 8. I'm really not sure what else to put in this chapter so please if anyone has any suggestions then please comment then below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗

A long time: Capmirez/CapirezWhere stories live. Discover now