Chapter 10 ~

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It's now Friday, I've just finished work and I had to film a few scenes with Sara. I walk out of set and go to my trailer. I text Sara to tell her that that's where I am and for her to come and knock on the door so we could leave together. This morning she came in my car so she hasn't got her car so once she's done with work she will have to come snd get me so we can leave.

I'm just sitting around in my trailer while watching some old Grey's Anatomy scenes when I hear a knock at the door. I pause it and guess what I paused it on... it was a picture of me and Sara kissing which I thought was quite funny since I didn't intend to pause it at that moment so I kinda let out a giggle. Anyways I got up and opened the door to see the stunningly beautiful Sara Ramirez. She did look exhausted tho, she probably had a long day or week since that's how I felt. I let her in and got her a drink, she said she wanted a coffee so I made her one just how she likes it but it was the Jessica Brooke Capshaw style. I have a secret ingredient that makes it so good and special and she loves it.

As I'm making her coffee she sits down on the couch

"Omg your watching one of our kiss scenes from Grey's Anatomy" Sara says

I just giggle from what she said and then I reply back with
"yes it's umm... it's my guilty pleasure. It's my guilty pleasure to watch Grey's Anatomy" I say

what she said next I was not expecting.

"Omg really. I thought I was the only one. It's my guilty pleasure too" Sara says

"haha no way. At least we can watch it together and not be embarrassed because it's both of our guilty pleasures" I say.

"yes that's true" Sara says.

and then we watch this episode from the beginning which is 45 minutes long. I didn't want to just continue to watch it because it wasn't fair on Sara but I was half way through it which is annoying but you know.

It was now Friday and I've had a long week at work filming all these episodes and scenes that I had to catch up on. I'm so glad they didn't fire me from Grey's just because I had to be in hospital for over a year and it was probably longer than that because then I had to recover at home with Jessica's help.
Anyways this morning I came in Jess's car to work so I hasn't got my car so once I'm done with work I will have to go to Jess's trailer which she said for me to do and then we can leave.

I'm about to knock on the door when I hear her giggle, I can also see a little through the windows and I can see she's watching greys anatomy and I can hear my voice so I'm pretty sure she's watching one of my scenes. After calming down because of how nervous I am to see her since I really want to tell her how I feel this weekend I knock on the door and wait a few seconds before I hear as see the door open. I'm greeted my the most stunning person ever Jessica Brooke Capshaw.

She lets me in and she got me a drink, I said I wanted a coffee so she made me one just how I like it but it was the Jessica Brooke Capshaw style. She apparently has a secret ingredient that makes it so good and special and I love the drink and I love it when she makes it for me. I don't think she's ever made one for anyone else other than me.

As shes making my coffee I sit down on the couch

"Omg your watching one of our kiss scenes from Grey's Anatomy" I say.

since I noticed it was on and it was a picture of me and Jess kissing. She just giggle from what I said and then she reply's back with

"yes it's umm... it's my guilty pleasure. It's my guilty pleasure to watch Grey's Anatomy" Jess says.

I can't believe she has the same guilty pleasure as me. Im gonna tell her that I have the same so I say

"Omg really. I thought I was the only one. It's my guilty pleasure too" I say

"haha no way. At least we can watch it together and not be embarrassed because it's both of our guilty pleasures" Jess says.

"yes that's true"  I say.

and then we watch this episode from the beginning which is 45 minutes long. She said didn't want to just continue to watch it because I was now here. I thought that was sweet of Jess to start the episode again just because of me.



The episode had just finished and me and Sara were cuddled up together with a blanket over us which we shared. I could feel someone looking at me, it was obviously Sara. I could feel the tension in the room but I've only ever felt this when we were acting as Arizona and Callie. I couldn't point out what type of tension this was tho. I could still feel Sara's eyes on me so I turned my head to look at her and she bit her lip and started smirking and then blushing straight after as soon as I turned my head. She then looked around the room to hide the fact that her face was turning bright red. I decided to lean my head and put it on her shoulder well chest area and cuddle her even tighter just to see how she would react. Her heart beat was racing as soon as our skin touched and I got closer. I could even hear her breathing.
I'm sorry but like I'm pretty sure when your with your best friend there heart rate and breathing should never be like this unless your in love with them so that's when I could instantly tell she loves me and I love her back. I need to tell her but when do I? I want to do it now but idk? I don't want it to be to late.



The episode had just finished and me and Jess were cuddled up together with a blanket over us which we shared. I really wanted to look at Jess to see what she was doing and to just memorise how beautiful she looks everyday but I could feel the tension in the room but I've only ever felt this when we were acting as Callie and Arizona I couldn't point out what type of tension this was tho. I was still staring at Jess and just admiring her beauty and wishing she was mine. I really hope she doesn't notice me looking at her. A minute later she turned her head to look at me and I bit my lip and started smirking and then blushing straight after as soon as she turned her head. I then looked around the room to hide the fact that my face was turning bright red.

The next minute I feel Jess get closer and closer to me even though we are already cuddled up on the couch together she still manages to get closer and she decided to lean her head and put it on my shoulder well chest area and cuddled me even tighter. My heart beat was racing as soon as our skin touched and she got closer. I'm pretty sure she could even hear my breathing because of how loud my heart beat is and she probably heard that too.

It was now 11pm, we had fallen asleep in each other's arms on the couch and I gently woke up Jess so we could head to my house for the weekend. Once we got there we got changed out of our clothes but couldn't be bothered to put any pjs on so we just slept in our underwear. All I could thing about was Jess. Her body was amazing and I just wish that I could have my hands all over her. We got into my bed and Jess was on her side, I asked if I could spoon her and we just laughed but she did say yes so I was the big spoon and she was the small spoon. I pulled her closer and put my hands on her waist and my finger rested on her stomach and we fell asleep in each other's embrace.

It was now 11pm, we had fallen asleep in each other's arms on the couch and Sara was already awake and she gently woke me up so we could head to her house for the weekend. Once we got there we got changed out of our clothes but couldn't be bothered to put any pjs on so we just slept in our underwear. All I could thing about was Sara. Her body was amazing, I just wish she could be mine. We got into my bed and I was on my side about to fall asleep when I heard Sara ask if she could spoon me and we just laughed but I did say yes so she was the big spoon and I was the small spoon. She pulled me closer and put her hands on my waist and her fingers rested on my stomach and we fell asleep in each other's embrace. I felt safe. Sara made me feel safe and loved.

This is the end of chapter 10. Please if anyone has any suggestions then please comment them below and please vote for this story if you like it.
Love you all 💗

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