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Evi was in a random OR Gallery where Cristina is pacing and Meredith and Izzie are knitting.

"Who doesn't know Madonna?" Cristina complains.

"Sore loser." Evi says disguising it with a cough.

"I am not a sore loser. You know, and so what if I am? See, the whole point of games is that there's a winner. A first place. You want a second best surgeon operating on you? No, you want the very best. And second best is mediocre. And to settle for mediocrity is...is frankly, you know, a sign of self-loathing and substandard work ethics. I've gotta get George out of my apartment." Cristina rants.

"You know, you could sleep with him and then right in the middle start crying. It's painful and humiliating and unbelievably cruel, but apparently it works." Meredith says making Evi giggle.

"Would you just keep knitting? Kick him out so that he can come back home to us." Izzie says.

"No, I can't kick him out. You know, he's Burke's puppy. It's gotta be Burke's idea. I just gotta figure out a way to make him do it." Cristina says.


"Molly Thompson, 22 years old, 32 weeks pregnant. Transferred here from Mercy West when an ultrasound diagnosed the baby with congenital diaphragmatic hernia." Evi presents to Addison once she walks into the patient room.

"Hello, Molly. I'm Dr. Addison Shepherd." She greets.

"You're supposed to be the best." Molly says.

"And not to put any pressure on you, or anything, but this is my baby carrying my grandchild so I really hope that you are. The best, I mean." Molly's mother; Susan says.

"Mom, you're kind of threatening the doctor. Don't threaten the doctor. It doesn't help." Molly says.

"Sorry. My husband tells me I have to try not to be such a mother lion because Molly's a grown woman and has her own life and everything, but...roar." Susan says.

"It's ok. I can take it. I am the best." Addison says.

"You can fix this, though? Right?" Molly asks.

"We'll insert a scope into your uterus and then inflate a little balloon in the baby's airway, which should help stimulate the lungs to grow. It's not going to be easy on either of you. But I do have a strong record with this surgery." Addison says.

Addison and Evi start to leave. "Make sure you get her to the MRI and get me the results as soon as you can." Addison tells her.

"I will." Evi assures before Addison walks away.

There is a man standing outside the door of Molly's room. "Sir? Can I help you find something?" Evi asks him.

"Uh...is there a Dr. Meredith Grey working today?" He asks.

"Yes." Evi asks confused.

"She's here in the hospital, right now?" He asks.

"I can have someone page her for you if you want me to." Evi says.

"No. No. Thanks." He says about to walk off.

"Wait! Excuse me, sir. Are you...What's your name?" Evi asks.



"Grey. Yeah."

"You're Meredith's father." Evi says.


"Are you sure you don't want me to page her for you?"

"No. I'm sorry. It's complicated."

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