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"So Izzie left the house this morning. That's a good sign." George says in the intern locker room.

"Yeah." Evi says pulling her hair into a ponytail.

"Are you okay?" George asks Meredith.

"I'm just... not feeling like myself." Meredith says.

"O'Malley has that effect on Women. Ask Dr. Torres." Alex's comments.

"What's that supposed to mean?" George asks mildly offended.

"You threw her out on her ass."

"I did not. Who told you that?"

"Torres. Don't worry. I get it. She's hot... but she's not for you."

"Why is that?"

"Cause she's hot."


"Let's go people. I've been in surgery since 2 AM. I'm in no mood." Bailey says rounding up the interns.

"George..." Meredith trails off.

George speaks as he's walking away. "I miss you..." He runs off to join the group.

"No cutting... No cutting!" Cristina says joining the group.

"Yang, Jensen, you're late." Alex says.

"Hey I got here before George." Cristina says.

"At least I'm here." Evi says.

"I'm here! I was here!" George defends.

"Nice of you to join us." Bailey says unimpressed.

"Oh what are you smiling about? Aren't you supposed to be on the Gynie Brigade?"  Evi snaps at Alex.

"Yeah, whatever." Alex scoffs.

"Woman troubles?" Cristina asks Meredith after seeing her pained expression.

"Men troubles. I think this dating two guys thing is getting to me. The stress of it. Finn, Derek. Derek, Finn. I think I'm getting an ulcer." Meredith elaborates.

"Mcdreamy and the vet are making you sick?" Cristina asks.

"I just need to make a choice and get it over with." Meredith sighs.

"I can make it for you." Evi says looking to Meredith. "Choose the vet."


"Shawn Sullivan. 62. Had minimally invasive bypass surgery two days ago to remove a blockage from his LAD." George presents to Bailey.

"I'm all better now, thank you George. So what do you think Miranda? Can I stop being a burden to you good people and go home?" Mr. Sullivan says.

"You need to stop interrupting the Doctors Shawn. You need to listen to what they say." Mrs. Sullivan reprimands.

MR. SULLIVAN: I need to get back to the dealership. They're going to can me if I'm gone to long. MRS. SULLIVAN: They can't can you sweetie, you're the best salesman they've got. BAILEY: What do you sell? MR. SULLIVAN: Cars. MRS. SULLIVAN: My Shawnie could sell...anything. BAILEY: I believe he can. What he can't sell me on is going back to work before he gets his oxygen levels up. So put that oxygen back on Mr. Sullivan before I even think about letting you out of here. And if I do, I want your word: nothing fried, no alcohol and no cigarettes. MR. SULLIVAN: Oh you're tough Miranda. BAILEY: I need your word Mr. Sullivan or I'm not going to sign those discharge paper. MR. SULLIVAN: I give you my word. BAILEY: Alright then. Mrs. Sullivan you need to go to the front desk to fill out some paper work. Maybe you can take your husband home.

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