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The family moved back to their house  in Tagaytay after a month. They let Lein's 1st month of postpartum pass before letting them live on their own, again.

During her postpartum she always cries while breastfeeding their daughter, she always say thank you to her husband, a day wont pass without her bawling her eyes out.

The past month all Jay did was to stay by her side and attend to her needs.

Sieg have been fond of his little sister, he always talks to her, sing some nursery rhymes and sometimes...

cry with her.

He was taught to be gentle and sweet to Aycee, or else she will be separated from him and will be given away, it's just used to scare Sieg enough to be a good brother.

Lein and Jay started to go back to work at Aycee's second month. They try their bests to alternate their schedules to make sure that they still give the kids as mush attention they need. But lately it was Jay who accepted more projects, thinking that his wife would want to spend more time with the kids since she haven't done it with Sieg before.


Jay unlocked the pascode of the front door and went in their house, as he closes the door he heard Sieg running towards him.

"Ahdi!!" Sieg shouted with arms spread on both sides.

"Hi kuya, did you eat dinner na? where's mimi?" Jay asked as he carries Sieg who nodded at his first question and kisses the toddler's temple.

"Upstairs"  Sieg pointed towards the high ceiling.

The father and son went up the stairs and entered the master's bedroom. There he saw Lein sleeping while the little girl is quietly nibbling her fist. Sieg requested to be put down and went straight to the pile of legos he's been playing a while ago while waiting for his dad. Jay went in the bathroom first and took a shower.

When he went out, he was already wearing his boxers and a plain white shirt. He went straight to the night stand and poured some alcohol on his hand and rubbed it ip until his arms. Then Jay slowly leaned to carry Aycee from the bed.

"Hi princess how's your day? Did you have fun with kuya and mommy?" He cooed to his little princess quietly avoiding to wake up his queen.

The almost 3 month old baby cooed back showing her dimples that looks like her daddy's.

"Aba, meron din ako niyan oh" Jay says while showing his own dimples.

He was busy talking to his princess and didn't noticed that Lein have woken up already.

Lein sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Akala ko wala ka ng balak umuwi." She spoke monotonously

Jay almost jolted up hearing her voice before turning his head towards Lein. His wife has been giving him silent treatment since last week, and when I say she barely speaks, I really mean she never did.

"nalate kasi si Louise kanina kaya napa-overtime kami, diba aycee?" he was making goofy faces while talking, but is facing the smiling baby girl he was carrying.

"Hindi ba pwedeng magsimula na kayo agad? Magkasama ba kayo sa lahat ng scenes?" Lein is now obviously pissed and Jay noticed it.

"Ma naman, parang di mo naman alam yung trabaho ko. Buti nga kamo pinayagan ako na mag uwian eh, sila dun naiiwan-" He turned to his wife but was interrupted by her sharp look.

"Edi sana hindi ka na umuwi, sino ba nag sabing umuwi ka?" Sieg stop playing when he heard his mommy's voice went up.

"Hindi naman ganun yung point ko, namisunderstand mo nanaman ako, ma. Ano ba? Ilang gabi ka ng ganyan? May nagawa ba ako? Diretsuhin mo na lang, please kasi pagod ako-" he carefully put Aycee down on the bed.

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