6 - Mariana Port Town [FINAL]

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July 31, 20XX, Earth Calendar

Xylma, Sherhimia, and Poma were the victim family who had been in a medical coma because of the unforeseen accident. When they awoke, they were in the place called the KapwaKo Qua-Medical Center to regain full mobility. 

After one month, they were secretly transferred to a mansion in the secret society for observation purposes and finally let them go to the smart and green ex-capital city, Metropolitan Green Manila.

After one month, they were secretly transferred to a mansion in the secret society for observation purposes and finally let them go to the smart and green ex-capital city, Metropolitan Green Manila

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"Where are we?" Xylma exclaimed with Sherhimia and Poma in tow, both shocked at the things that were not familiar to them. Looking around at the towering skyscrapers, skyways and cars rushing by, Poma cutely said, "These technologies... are amazing!"

As they looked around with several PSG protecting them as bodyguards, they saw people dressed in strange clothing, talking in languages they had never heard before. The trio had no idea where they were or how they had gotten in such an otherworldly country.

Walking through the bustling city streets of Metropolitan Manila, Xylma and the other two were amazed by the sights and sounds around them. They had never seen such a super advanced country before.

"What magic is this?" Xylma asked, watching as a group of people walked past them, their faces glued to their glowing devices and some touching on floating screens right in front of them. "These glowing things in front of them?"

"The glowing things you mentioned are called quanphones," answered an assistant AI robot speaking in their language and walking alongside them. "Photonic technology is a field of engineering that deals with the use of photons, or particles of light, to transmit, process, and store information. These include a wide range of applications and products, such as the glowing things you asked about and definitely pure science, not magic."

"Particles of light? I-I see," Xylma and even Sherhimia said, never having understood about these unknown concepts and just nodding.

Despite the trio's confusion and fear of such a marvelous country where each citizen seemed to be happy and possess wealth more than the royalty they knew, Xylma, Sherhimia, and Poma remained brave and determined to learn more about this country. Their faces were full of surprises as they discovered unusual things day by day and asked Luna about her country after they returned.

Of course, President Luna, in her nurse uniform, answered them with honesty as simple as it was easy to comprehend.

As they spent more time in the PhilSecta Society, the trio began to feel more at home in this strange and wonderful country. They made new friends and learned new skills, and they grew to love the advanced technology and culture of this amazing country. 

Despite the many challenges they faced, they remained determined and brave, always striving to learn more and make the most of their new lives.


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