8 - Special Final Test [FINAL]

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[ Illustrations will follow in the future ] 

"Come here immediately," President Luna said, dialing someone on her personal phone. Xylma received the call and, with quivering hands and a mournful expression, glanced out the window at the warehouse half a kilometer away.

Xylma knew that she had to follow any orders from the president. After wiping away her tears, she teleported with a determined expression.

"I understand, Ms. President," she replied.

Before entering the door, Xylma braced herself for the worst, unaware of the chopped and burned victims in her immediate vicinity. It had all happened exactly as she had predicted.

As she entered the room, her attention was drawn to the nude girls laying on the cold ground. Their eyes had the appearance of despair and a broken soul.

"!!!" Xylma barely managed to hold on to her knees before shrieking and covering her lips.

They were all alive and pregnant, yet lifeless as if dead.

"Xylma, this is still part of your mental conditioning program," Luna said, uninterested, as she tried to cheer up Xylma by tossing the five-kilogram pistol at her carelessly.

Xylma tripped as she received the gun with both hands, but she stood up without protest. Xylma had a weaker physical body than the average person, but she had a strong aptitude for espionage, which is why she had joined the PhilSecta Intelligence Society. However, she had never imagined that she would be required to watch such traumatic scenes as part of her job.

Fortunately, Xylma had heard rumors about the hellish Sengreneia Underground Guild, where all kinds of unimaginable evil took place, and had some idea of the dark side of the world.

"You've already come this far, Xylma. It's too late. We anticipated that you would fail and have your memories of this psychological training erased once you surrendered or were mentally harmed, but you shocked us by reaching the fifth level.

Xylma respectfully raised her head and faced her superior, her face that of a soldier ready to fight, as Luna walked towards her.

She listened carefully to Luna's advice and was even more determined to keep her promise to offer herself to the president.

"I've been keeping an eye on you. In the outside world, you appear to be a typical kid. Tell me, Xylma, how did you cope after seeing horror films, R18 cartoons, animal torture, pornographic videos, and even gore videos? According to the test findings, you appeared to be fine and acting normally, but now... I wonder?"

"Ms. I, President..."

The girls' faces showed signs of contentment, and some of them were smiling in their dreams after Luna put drops in their mouths, causing them to fall asleep.

"At least not yet, but this time I'll decide whether or not you'll become a qualified PhilSecta agent.

"Ms. President,"

Xylma was apprehensive again at this point, but she had a good idea of what the final test would be, and she was right.

"Xylma, depending on my judgment and yours, you can speed up your course and graduate right now."

The gun-wielding girl took a deep breath and gulped.

"You saw my murder spree and heard their cries, right?"

Xylma nodded, her gaze fixed on the president's hard, cruel gaze.

"Then kill these girls," she ordered.


Xylma raised her rifle and pointed it at the girl in front of her.

The girl in question was none other than the president!

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