10 - Assassin And Lecturer [FINAL]

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August 12, 20XX, Somewhere in the Heather Kingdom

It has been a year since the president left the secretive country known as the Federal States of the Philippines. So far, no countries have initiated reconnaissance or suspicious military movements, according to the space stations and satellite footage.

Despite this, the Philippines continues to progress, with the president issuing orders to her subjects and the PhilSecta while being on another jurisdiction.

President Luna has installed an auto-drive spy drone at an altitude of 5000 meters above sea level, which allows for the entire capital and the Royal Academy of the Heather Kingdom to be viewed live online for free by Filipinos.

The most interesting aspect of this viewing has been the opportunity to see the students of the kingdom with their unusual uniforms and spellcasting training classes.

While it may be tempting to view this as a form of spying on those they find interesting, it is important to remember that stalking and abusive behavior are not acceptable. Therefore, the government has limited viewing to 2D and removed other functionalities.


In the shadowy part of the Royal Capital, a figure with glittering white hair silently entered a well-off market through the back door. Moving stealthily through an abandoned shop, the figure made their way to a door labeled "employees only."

Beyond the door was a simple room containing a table and three chairs, one of which was broken, as well as a bookshelf against the wall. The figure approached the bookshelf and began pressing on the spines of some of the books, causing the floor beneath the shelf to slide away, revealing a downward staircase.

The figure descended the staircase and arrived at a door at the end. Upon opening the door, they were greeted by a woman with brunette hair cut in a boyish style, piercings on her lips and ears, and rings on each finger. These accessories were esoteric items that enhanced the metaphysical properties of spells and the arts. The woman, the receptionist of the underground guild, was a highly powerful spellcaster.

"Oh, Crescent Moon Viper," the woman said. "What are you doing here at this hour?" 

The faint light of a lantern flickered over the white-haired figure, who wore a sorrow mask.

This female spellcaster is the one who President Luna registered with on her first day here. "I'm out," Luna said simply.

The woman was surprised. "Oh... Really?" she asked skeptically. But as soon as she looked into Luna's cold, intimidating black eyes, she knew the famed Crescent Moon Viper was serious.

The ragged woman slowly stood up. 

"All right, give me a minute," she said, before disappearing through the door.

While she waited, Luna looked around at her surroundings. She was in the headquarters of the underground guild in the Royal Capital of Heather, known as Sengreneia, which also happened to be the guild leader's hideout. Luna usually accepted jobs at one of the guild's branches, but the guild leader rarely showed up at these branches.

Normally, leaving the underground guild was a complex process that took some time. But Luna, as president, couldn't afford to wait. She had only come to this place a few times before, the first being when she joined the guild. Afterwards, she came here occasionally to receive highly confidential missions directly from the guildmaster.

All in all, this was not even the tenth time Luna had come to this place or seen the guildmaster. The only thing she knew about the leader was that she couldn't read him.

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