Truth or dare

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'I think I like him',she said.What!!? her friend Rose asked with an expression of pure wonder. Rose never had an idea about her close friend liking a guy.

Long time ago but not so long...

It was in the eight grade when girls start to feel what being a women means to be. It was also the time when she gets to play some games with her friends with a bit of pure honesty. It was also the time when nothing seems to end even a small piece of joy lights the entire place of hers. A lot happens at that time but only later she realises what it all means together

So,it actually happened

That one game changed her perspective towards her classmates

Sharon,a smart girl, living in a small town with her parents as doctors is the one who said that. She was tall and loving but one cannot see her beauty unless they know her true self.  She wore braces and glasses for her near vision and wasn't particularly that beautiful. (Sharon however wore contacts)

She is a rank holder in her school and her friends Rose, Alice and Tara adore her very much

It was that time at school where that one game became quite popular
'Truth or Date'

Sharon,who was very smart ,spent most of her time in reading books and preparing for exams.She never thought of playing any games either be indoor or outdoor but however she played piano as she had long slender fingers.

But, that day to everyone's surprise,she agreed to play

Rose, who was Sharon's friend was always enthusiastic. She was like a playful ball of fire which lit the entire place with joy and warmth

She was the one who started it. When she asked everyone that one infamous question

" Who do you like in our class?"

She asked this to nearly every girl in the class. Some were smart enough to say 'myself' while some said the names of celebs . Only a few said the names of the boys in our class

And Sharon was one among them..

Sharon actually didn't want to tell anything but she had an impulse which made her to tell without even thinking for a minute

When Rose asked the same question to Sharon,she said

"I think I like him"

Rose never expected that one answer that too from her close friend, Sharon

She was quite shocked and her expression was quite a womder

She asked again," Are you saying you like Joon?, Sharon"

Sharon still didn't think of any consequences but to Rose's surprise,she said, "Yes".....

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