past - present

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Days passed by and finally the day for the results came. Sharon was in her home waiting for the results to come. Her parents were also anxious as her scores were important for her to get into med school.

After minutes of waiting, the results were announced and Sharon's score was high enough to get her into the med school which was in the nearby city. She was so happy and felt as if all her hardwork finally paid off. Her parents were also proud of her. They congratulated her and even bought cake for her. When she was at the peak of her excitement, Tara called her. She told Sharon that she scored enough to get her into fashion designing academy. Sharon was so happy for Tara and decided to meet up.

They met at the cafe which was near to the school and talked about their scores and the scores secured by her classmates. Sharon came to know that Rose got into a literary course and found that she was leaving the city. After all the talks, Tara asked Sharon about Joon's scores. Sharon told her that architectural exam scores are yet to be released that evening. She then spoke together about the dates they went and spending time with Joon. Later, Tara had a family meet, so she left soon.

Evening, Joon and Sharon decided to meet up. Joon was very happy when his girlfriend got into medschool. He literally carried her and gave a spin. They both were happy but only one thing was in between their celebration. It was Joon's results. They were supposed to be coming that evening so they decided to postpone their celebration.

They went to the rooftop of the school and waited for the results to come. ( Actually they couldn't think of any place other than school to go) It was 5.40 pm and the results were supposed to be released at 6. They waited patiently, sitting in the broken chairs, holding the hands together while looking at the phone. Joon was usually very calm and confined during the results which were given during school times but this time, he was nervous. It was the first time Sharon saw Joon trembling and pacing for the results to come.

She was quite surprised to see this part of Joon. But, still she felt good as she came to know a bit more about him. She looked at Joon and said," Joon, I know that you will get good score to get into your dream college. So, just stop pacing around and just talk to me". Joon on hearing this, realised that he was acting weird. He just smiled with his hands covering his face and said ," Yeah, I guess that is the only thing I could do".

They both waited and waited, until the results finally came. Joon was very anxious and nervous at the same time. When it was 6, the results came and the both of them looked into the phone, seeing the results.

Joon got in.

He scored the second highest in the rankings and got into his dream college,the national college for architecture. He was very happy. He was even ready to do some dance moves. Then he looked at Sharon and came closer to her. He hugged her so tightly that she could barely breathe and said ," Thank you, Sharon. I really got into it and I still can't believe it, Sharon. This day is so special with the results and you being with me by my side ".

She too hugged him back and said," You earned it,Joon. I know you could get in. You are my boyfriend and I had full confidence in you". Then they looked at each other. The sunset was visible and Joon dipped in to kiss Sharon. This time, the kiss was passionate and with full of energy. Sharon too gave in and deepened the kiss. He then cupped her face and started to kiss fiercely. Sharon enjoyed it and said ," Joon, I never knew you were such a good kisser". Joon smiled at her and gave a series of kisses along her neck saying," neither do I but I know I am not as good as you". They playfully teased each other and finally sat on the chairs watching the sunset, holding their hands and hearts together. Joon looked at Sharon with his deep brown eyes, which looked like a pool of chocolate and said ," Sharon, I love you".

That was the first time when Joon said something like that. Sharon's heart fluttered. It was the first confession that Sharon received. She had a lot of emotions striking her at the same time but all she could say was ," I too love you, Joon". She then gave a peck on his cheek as if the first time, he gave a peck on her's. He smiled. He was committed and he too knew the responsibilities he had. He was serious when he told Sharon how he felt but Sharon knew about it later only. Joon was ready to think about the future to hold but at that moment all he cared was Sharon and the present.

They had no fears, no regrets and no exams to hold them. So, they had a little celebration on their own. Sharon could think only about Joon. She forgot about everything that withheld her. She forgot about her scars,her previous surgeries,her hospital life, everything.

All she cared was the present and so did Joon...

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