baby dreams

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After a few years,

Joon and Sharon are now living in a home that they designed by themselves. Joon was the main architect with Sharon being the one to select. Their wedding life was so good and they couldn't get bored of each other. Sharon nearly finished her residency and got a job in the same hospital itself. Joon got awards for his recent research in architectural model and became quite well known.

They would work in the morning and spend their time together at nights. They enjoyed their lives and the world of wedding was exciting for them. Their life at nights were thrilling and they both enjoyed being together.

As their routine was going, as usual Sharon went to hospital for her usual rounds and suddenly,she started to feel sick and nauseous. She thought that it was the food and ignored it but when her nausea was never ending, she decided to see if she has any food poison or something. She gave a complete blood work and started to continue with her works. At evening,her results for the blood work came and she found that she was pregnant. She was six weeks pregnant, the doctor said.

Sharon was totally overjoyed. She wanted to have a baby someday but never expected it to come as a positive. She couldn't wait to tell Joon about her pregnancy but before she could call him, a lot of thoughts came in her mind. She thought about her condition of marfans syndrome. She knew that that disease was inheritable. She didn't want her baby to have the same disease as her. Even though the chances of her baby getting the disease is 50%, she didn't want her baby to be on the diseased half.

So, before she told Joon, she consulted her doctor who took care of her,when she was young. He asked her to wait for two weeks as at her eight weeks of pregnancy,there is a chorionic villi testing,which can help her to find if her baby has the disease or not. So, she just decided to wait.

But,when Sharon went to her home,on seeing Joon ,she wanted to tell him about their baby so badly but held herself from telling him. Joon knew that Sharon was hiding something but he waited for her to tell. After a week of patient waiting, Sharon lost it. She couldn't stop telling Joon about the pregnancy. One day, she asked Joon to take her to school saying that she wanted to tell something to him. He also took her to school. After walking for sometime, Sharon started to speak.

She said," Joon, I have to tell you something. This is something so serious." And Sharon started to blabber a lot of things. Joon came closer to him and pressed a finger to her lips and said with a smile," Now, say it, my sweet wife"

Sharon cooled herself a bit but was still anxious. She said," Joon, I am pregnant".

Joon's eyes went wide. He never thought Sharon would tell something like that. His eyes were speaking a lot of words and all he could say was ," Really Sharon!!!?, Thank you so much Sharon. I will work hard to take care of you and our baby, Sharon. I love you both a lot". He was literally so happy and words wouldn't express his feelings. He then hugged her and gave a lasting kiss to Sharon.

Sharon then pulled away and said,  And Joon, there is one thing that you need to know. I consulted my doctor and he said that I should get a test done by next week to confirm that our baby doesn't have the disease which I have. He then heard everything that Sharon said and said that," whatever it might be, Sharon ,I want to be with you and our kid ". He then again kissed her and this time he bent lower and kissed her stomach as well saying," I love you too,my baby".

Sharon smiled and then they both went back to their home. A week later,the test was done and the results were supposed to be released by the evening. Sharon was anxious and eager to know the results. She wanted to know about those results so badly. She and Joon waited patiently and at evening her results were announced.

When they called her name, Sharon couldn't move at all. She was frozen up. Joon was the one who got the results and he found that their kid doesn't have the marfan syndrome.

Sharon was so happy and she just jumped over Joon saying," I love you Joon. I love you so much ". Joon also hugged her and said," I love you too, Sharon". They then kissed each other and went back home. Wedding life was good. But having a baby was really something else.

Their life which was a bit regular,got a turn and unexpected things made their life more meaningful. When there is love in their life, everything seemed so bright. And with a baby in the middle, there is nothing in the in the world that would stop their happiness ...

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