the unexpected getaway

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When Joon held Sharon's hand,  for Sharon it all just felt like magic. For someone who has never been in a relationship before, Sharon's heart raced and she couldn't speak anything anymore. She just started to run when Joon took her hand and started to run.

Joon's hand was warm and Sharon could do nothing but follow his lead. He ran through the stairs while holding Sharon's hand until they reached rooftop when Sharon said gasping, " let's stop. I can't run anymore ".

On hearing that, Joon realized that they have come a long way from the parking lot. He let her hand free from his gasp saying, " yeah. Let's stop. We have lost them now as well".

Sharon sat down on one of the broken chairs which were kept in the rooftop. She was laughing like anything.  She felt as if she did some adventure.

Joon saw her laughing and he too joined her. Joon sat on chair next to  her.

After their adrenaline's rush went off, Sharon started to speak.

She asked, " Joon, do you remember the time when the boys compared to you to some girl?, do you still like her? And if so, why did you like her in the first place?

( Here the girl Sharon mentioned is herself as first when they were in sixth grade, Joon answered as Sharon for the girl he likes)

If you don't have a girlfriend and if you don't like anyone till now, will you date me?. I like you Joon and  it's alright even if you say a no". And just like that Sharon confessed.

Joon was just speechless when he heard Sharon confess to him. His eyes were looking so deep like a brown lava. His expression was something as if noone other than him could know what he was thinking.

Sharon felt as if some kind of burden was taken off her. She just like peace. She didn't care about Joon's response.  All she felt was a pure peace. For sometime she couldn't believe herself as it was her first time thinking about a boy to the level of confessing. Now, all she could do was to wait till Joon speaks and he did.

Joon looked at Sharon and told her that ," I just need some time Sharon. I didn't expect this ,so on Monday come to rooftop at the lunch break. I will tell you my answer".

After a few minutes,  Sharon agreed and started to climb down the stairs. She didn't look if Joon was coming or not. She just went straight down and found her friends playing badminton.

On seeing Sharon,  Tara and Rose stopped playing and asked her, ' So, what happened?  '. Sharon told them about everything that happened there in including their trip to rooftop.

Rose couldn't control her joy on Sharon's confession. She pulled her into a hug and whispered into her ears,' Sharon,  I wish he would say yes and I can't wait to start planning your dates'. Sharon couldn't help herself but smile on hearing Rose's words.

Soon, the classes for Saturday were over and all of them went to their homes.At home, Sharon was like a squirrel.She moved everywhere doing different things like watering the plants,doing household chores etc. She felt so free as if she gave away her  burden which she was carrying for a very long time. She also felt as if she finished an important exam successfully without expecting the result.

This state of peacefulness made her feel that anything could be done and all it needs is a little bit of ' courage '. The result may vary however giving it a try is what makes our mind return to peace. Though Sharon wondered about Joon's answer, she was confident that she could take any answer wholeheartedly.

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