the end

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On the day of her delivery,

  Sharon was taken into the og ward with Joon waiting outside. After hours of pain and screams, the nurse came out with a baby saying," it's a girl".

Joon was so happy as he always wanted a girl baby. He was also so happy that he became a dad. He then went inside to see Sharon. He kissed on her forehead saying," Sharon,we have a baby girl". Sharon smiled and enjoyed watching Joon hold his daughter. Sharon's parents and in-laws came that evening to visit her. they got her some fruits and talked to her about the recent happenings. She too loved when people spoke around her.

After a few days, Sharon was discharged and taken home. Both their families helped them in taking care of the kid. They named the girl as ' Juvaron' as a mix of both their names.

A few years later,

Sharon,Joon and Juvaron went on a small trip to watch the sunset. Their life was perfect. Nothing seemed to bother them and with love all the way with them, sickness and life becomes so easy.   The three of them then lived happily ever after with lots of love in their life with occasional visits of sickness.


Everyone has their own part in this three words. Our perspective is the one which changes the way we live our lives. One single hope is enough for one to live his/her life with joy....

               The end.

Spreading lots of joy...

                                  - Sugar

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