Pseudo dates

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Sharon felt like a bird who has just got her wings. She smiled and laughed even for smaller things and couldn't contain her joy. She knew that she agreed to wait but she felt as if she was really dating.

She gathered her best friends and told them whatever Joon told her and her condition to which Joon agreed.

Her friends were a bit confusing when they heard Joon's confession. They never knew Joon had a dream and would work so hard to achieve it.

After hearing the entire incident, Tara and Rose just told ," You guys are really a perfect match". They really meant it as in their gang, only Sharon was the ambitious one who wanted to become a doctor and according to her friends,she found herself a boy who would give her dream a lot of importance.

Rose was like ," This is the best match I have made in my matchmaking career and girls if you want to find a match, come to Rose". The girls chuckled. Rose said ' Guys, I'm serious'. Tara and Sharon couldn't control their laugh but said " Yeah, Rose. Definitely you are".

Soon, days started to pass by and whenever Joon went to feed the cats,he would call Sharon. They both went together and fed the cats

Sometimes Sharon brought some cats foods for those kittens and sometimes she even brought milk from the canteen. Joon and Sharon would play with cookie, biscuit and chocolate ( cats ) after their classes.

They both sat together and talked about their interests as well. Joon told her that he wanted to join the national college for his architect degree. Sharon couldn't agree more as it was the best in their country. Sharon just wanted to study in medschool. She didn't care where. They also spoke about their hobbies and Sharon even told him about her contacts as she never let anyone know about her eyesight. Joon even helped her with taking her bag whenever her chauffeur was busy doing other works. Even that small gesture made her happy

Sharon felt like a dream as she was sitting with Joon, her dream guy and feeding the kittens. She was talking about her interests to a boy which was literally the first thing she had in her entire life. She was just happy and even though they weren't actually a couple ,she felt as if she was dating. She called it as ' Pseudo dates'.

Joon seemed to be a silent type from outside but when he lets anyone inside his cover,he becomes quite a talkative type. He asked about Sharon's interests and her hobbies and he also wanted to be a part of her but he just didn't say it. He felt that it was perfect just him,her and the kittens

When the kittens left, Joon walked Sharon to the class. He looked as if dropping his girlfriend in her class safely. Sharon enjoyed everything even small gestures of Joon

During art classes, Joon used to concentrate more on his drawings and Sharon would just sit admiring him. Whenever she took a peek at his drawings, Joon would open his bright eyes and look at Sharon to say," No, you can't see it". Sharon couldn't resist that too especially when someone says not to. She waited for the right time- The time when Joon stood up to take water for his watercolor,she just jumped and plucked the drawings from Joon.

Joon was yelling," No!!, just leave it Sharon".

Sharon was smiling at him and said," No way, Joon!". She looked at his pictures and saw beautiful drawings of architectural marvels like Burj Khalifa, Taj Mahal, Colloseum etc on single sheets of large papers.She even saw sceneries. She was so amazed by his works and she couldn't say anything other than," Wow!!". And there was only one drawing left and this time Joon just took it from Sharon. He said ," That's it. This one is off limits".

Sharon couldn't resist the suspense of that one drawing. She said," I saw all of them so I will see that one too"

She tried to take that one drawing ,but Joon just took it in his hand and raised his hand above his head. Sharon was tall but not as tall as Joon. She tried jumping a few times to reach that drawing but she couldn't. She said to herself that that was the last time of her try. She just jumped so high and tried to take that drawing, she couldn't, instead she lost balance and fell nearly onto Joon.

Joon was quick. He held one hand with the drawing and in the other hand he gently swept Sharon and at an instant Sharon was into his arms. She was very close to his chest and she could smell paint from him. She could even hear his heart pounding in her ears. She was just awestruck to think of anything. She just stood still.

Joon came closer to her and whispered into her ears," I will show you this drawing on some other day. Until then, you can't see it. Do you get it?", he said playfully while steadying Sharon to her feet. Sharon couldn't stop blushing, her face turned pinkish.She just nodded to what Joon said. That was the closest encounter she had with Joon. They started to become more of friends.

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