later life

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After few years,

Sharon and Joon finally finished their courses. Sharon got her internship in her hometown and she wanted to do her post graduation in dermatology. Joon got an internship offer in the architectural society and was willing to do post graduation in it. He got a seat in the hometown as well.

Between the years, Sharon went through clinicals and did a lot of research works. She did research in the dermatology department and even secured prizes from international universities. She also met up with Joon during her vacations. She literally went to see him in his college without telling him and spent time with him.

Joon went to many architectural places and also did research papers in architectural designs. He even got job offers while he was doing his final year. Many foreign universities also contacted him but he decided to stay  in his hometown.

Both of them nearly achieved what they wanted without any disappointment or worries. Sharon consulted her doctor and he said that her meds can be finally stopped. She was very happy. As always, Joon accommodated her during her checkups as Sharon still acts like a kid when she goes to her doctor. She became a doctor but she is still a kid in front of her doctor.

Nearly everything was perfect and Sharon vacated her dorm and returned home. Zoe and Alan broke up after a year and now both of them have different relationships. Sharon's school friend Tara got her fashion designing degree and went to Paris for her higher studies. Joon also came back home.

After a few days of settling in their homes, Sharon's parents were excited to have her back home. They even got Sharon, a part time internship at the hospital where her parents were working. Joon's dad became sick once in a while but recovered very well. After staying in their homes for a month or so,Joon and Sharon decided to meet up. They met at the regular cafe near the school. Sharon planned to give a gift to Joon for a long time. She got him a bracelet with a symbol of world map on it and wanted to tell him that he meant the whole world to her. She wrapped that bracelet in a box and went to the cafe to see Joon.

When Sharon entered the cafe,the entire cafe was filled with icecream. She wondered why would a cafe have icecreams. She just looked at them and went inside. While she was walking in, a kid came closer to her and asked ," Will you help me to take that cup with the icecream in the above shelf?"

Sharon was willing to help when a little kid came to ask her something. She was tall so she just thought that the kid asked her because she was tall. She tip topped on her toes a bit and took that cup. When she brought that cup closer to her to see,she saw the cup with the icecream having her name Sharon.

She looked closer and found a chocolate bar with words saying,

" Sharon, will you marry me?"

And before Sharon could react, Joon came looking at her from the other side of the room with a single red rose in his hand. He dressed up so well and he literally looked like a male model.

He came closer to Sharon with eyes locking on her. He then laid on his one knee,while giving the rose to her saying ," So, Sharon what's your answer?, Will you marry me?"

Sharon was genuinely surprised. She thought of surprising Joon with her gift but it seems like Joon wins all the time when it comes to gifts.

Sharon never thought that Joon would suddenly ask something like that to her. She had a slight tension in her mind thinking that she may not be so healthy and all. She might need another surgery in the upcoming years or so because of her syndrome. She knew that there may be consequences but at that moment she didn't care.

All she cared was Joon.

Joon still looked at her and before he could say anything Sharon dropped on her knees and kissed him deeply. Joon didn't expect that from her. They kissed fiercely while sitting on their knees. After a moment, they pulled away. Sharon took the rose and said," Yes, Joon. I want to marry you".

Joon then stood up and lifted Sharon in his arms and did a small twirl. He said," I am so happy, Sharon. I love you and I will make sure that you are happy always". The people in the cafe started to cheer at them and they thanked the little kid. Actually Joon selected that day because the cafe had icecream theme only on that day of the year. He wanted it to be special.

He then opened a couple ring set from his bag and put the ring on her finger. Sharon too took the other ring and put it on his finger. They both sat together and admired their rings.

After spending that blissful moment, Sharon gave the gift box to Joon. Joon was very surprised as it was the first time, Sharon gave a gift to him. He was so excited and opened it up. He was really surprised to see that bracelet.

Sharon then said, " you mean the entire world to me, Joon". Joon was so moved on seeing her gift and her words. He pulled her closer and gave a kiss on her forehead. After sometime, Joon walked Sharon home and said goodbye to go back to his.

They have finished their courses and have started to live a life of their own. They earn by themselves and still work to make their dreams come true. They didn't care about their future but enjoyed every single minute they spend together.

Their school crush turned to love and finally towards a bigger step in their life, a wedding....

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