teacher's word

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Sharon's parents were quite happy when she made into top 5. Like her parents,  Sharon wanted to become a doctor. That was the,main reason why she always studied a lot other than doing other things.

Sharon had flat foot and also her parents started to notice a change in the walk of her. First they thought it was due to her flat foot and called an orthopedic to make shoes with arches. When he came, he saw Sharon and told her parents that she has " scoliosis ".

Sharon didn't understand any of that. But she  could clearly make out that something was wrong with her only by the expression of her parents.  She also went to a cardiac clinic every year from her birth but she never knew why,she wasn't curious at all because she thought of it as a general check up.

Her parents then took her to take some x rays and finally found that she really  had scoliosis,it is a condition in which the spine gets curved to one side and one can notice a difference when they walk. That was the reason why walked a bit curved and not straight.  According to Sharon, she walked straight however she later found that she wasn't walking normally.  She remembered her teacher who told about her way of walking. She couldn't think of anything but her eyes started to leak tears. She knew that scoliosis couldn't go by its own and it was all confirmed when her parents took her to an orthopedic surgeon.

The surgeon told them that she would need to undergo a correction surgery and her recovery would take upto 2 months. Sharon couldn't bear all of this but she still went to school. At school, it was the time they announced summer holidays . Rose pushed Sharon to ask Joon how he felt but Sharon couldn't think of Joon at that time. She was just so stressed about her impending surgery and didn't even know how to even tell her friends about that.

She couldn't take it easily as her parents decided to do that surgery that summer itself.  She went to that teacher,the one who told about her way of walking at first instance. Anne mam, that was how the students called her. She was the eldest one in the entire school and all the other teachers respected her.

Sharon went to her office during the lunch break and spoke up. She told everything about her impending condition to her and also her upcomin surgery. Anne mam just listened to all she said and she spoke"it's alright,dear. Never lose hope". Sharon felt that it was easy for someone to say but no-one could ever feel what it actually is. Anne told her about her granddaughter who also had the same condition and told her that there was nothing to worry.But Sharon just nodded her head and left her office with lots of thoughts but with a bit of peace in her mind.

When she just left her room,she saw Tara standing near the edge of the door. Sharon was caught.

Tara was so silent and she just stared at Sharon. Sharon asked why she was there and Tara told her that she was asked to send books to Anne mam.

She knew that Tara heard everything so Sharon had nothing to do other than telling Tara the truth.

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