pure love

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After Sharon's birthday, Joon would talk on the phone during weekends as that was the time when they had atleast some time to spare. When the exams come, the weekends would become month ends.

For vacation holidays, Sharon and Joon would come to their homes and meet up each other. They would talk about their classmates and things like that. While they were walking together in the park, a girl came out of nowhere and said," Joon, we meet again,huh?".

Sharon was so surprised. She had never seen that girl before. She was in a state of complete confusion. Before she could react, Joon said," Anna, I have no intention of talking to you". So, she was Anna. Actually Anna was a girl in the architectural department. She flirted Joon, trying to impress him but Joon always tried to avoid her.

She saw Sharon and then looked at Joon saying," oh!?, Is she the reason why you are not attending my calls,Joon". She even tried to come so closer to Joon. That made Sharon so angry.

Sharon was never that angry before. Joon was good looking so she knew that a lot of girls confessed to him. But,when a girl flirts in front of her,she couldn't control her anger. She was giving some killer looks to that girl. After knowing that Joon wouldn't respond,Anna left.

Sharon was still angry and started at that girl until she leaves. Her looks were like don't look at my man, you can never get him,he is mine and a lot of words expressed in her face. After sometime she calmed herself.

Joon started to laugh. She didn't know why but he was laughing like crazy. He said that it was the first time seeing Sharon getting jealous of another girl. He teased her saying that," Anna must have run off
on seeing your expression". They laughed together. Sharon then said with a wink," If she still didn't run off, I would have pushed her somehow or most probably I would have pulled you with me and left". They both shared a smile.

After the holidays were over, they again went back to their colleges and began their routine again. They went to their dorms and again met up with their friends. Zoe and Alan have completed their one year anniversary and gave a treat to their friends. They all ate well in the restaurant nearby. That was when Sharon realised that she had not celebrated any special anniversary with Joon. It has been nearly 5 years since they started seeing each other but none of them thought of celebrating it.

Sharon wanted to do celebrate with Joon atleast once so she thought of a plan within herself but didn't express it. Soon, the exams for her med school were closer and Sharon barely talked with Joon.

Their relationship was quite different from others. They never celebrated special anniversaries, they never went to amusement parks or anything that normal couples do. They weren't perfect but found happiness in even a small thing that they did. It is similar to the ones saying that 'you experience mini breakups while dating a medical student'

That was actually true in case of Sharon. During her exams, she never thought about anything else. All she did was study. It happens same with Joon. Whenever he has exams, he would be dodging the calls so he could prepare. Both of them knew the importance of education. They knew that value and wanted to work towards their dream and that is what made them love each other more even in situations where they don't call each other or meet up with each other.

Love gives a different meaning to different people. Love for one may differ for another. Sharon's love for Joon and Joon's love for Sharon may not look like the same as those of others but according to them, it is a pure love....

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