the real matchmaking

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Now, after hearing about  Sharon's perfect non successful confession,  Rose decided to take in charge.  She couldn't stay still but think of another successful plan.  This time she instructed Sharon to definitely tell Joon.

Rose said that she has a reputation to maintain in the name of matchmakers.  She was pretty serious about that matter. However,  these things made Sharon and Tara to smile.

Rose thought a lot and finally decided the parking lot in the school where Joon usually  feeds the stray cats. So, this time Sharon had to go through Rose's plan as she even threatened her that she would see everything from a distance. Rose decided the following  Saturday for her plan it was mainly because Saturday was a half day and everybody used to leave quickly so there are less chances for others to catch them.

During that week, the STAR gang handed out in canteens and studied for the nineth grade final exams. As usual, Sharon studied sincerely and didn't mind anything else.

Her routine became very simple. Come to school,study,chat with her friends, go home and then again study. Her bags were brought to school by her chauffeur uncle and sometimes her friends help her to bring the bag to her car. Things just happened and Sharon nearly adapted to the life after scoliosis surgery.

She never thought about it except at times when her scar showed in the dresses with a low back, but still she wanted to live and love like everyone else.

Soon, Saturday came

Now, Sharon had no other way to escape from Rose's plan. Rose literally pulled Sharon to the parking lot where Joon was feeding the cats. She pushed Sharon towards his side and gave a gesture mouthing the words ' Don't run away' .

Sharon now just walked towards Joon.

On hearing the footsteps from behind, Joon, who was occupied in feeding the kittens turned to see who was behind.  He saw Sharon walking towards him. He quietly said ,' Shhh!,Come slowly,  the kittens are not so human friendly '

Sharon couldn't stop wondering how much care Joon gave to those little kittens. She followed Joon's instructions and came closer to him.

Joon gestured her to sit next to him and so did Sharon. 

Sharon found out the presence of three cute kittens when she came closer to Joon. She admired those cute kittens and she even tried to pat them with her hand. When her hand went closer to the kittens, they were afraid a bit and looked at her with a bit of fierce but Joon calmed them saying that, " shh! It's alright ".

Soon , the kittens were comfortable around Sharon and even played around her. She felt as if a princess being guarded by three musketeer kittens.

Sharon asked Joon, ' what are their names?, they look so cute' . Joon shrugged his shoulder and said with a smile that he named them as 'cookie,biscuit and chocolate ' as nearly all the three of them were a mixture of brown.

After eating the food that Joon brought for the kittens, they playfully pushed each other and went outside through the gate near the parking lot. Sharon just wondered and asked, ' where are they going?, will they come back? '.

Joon was genuinely surprised when Sharon asked him those. He then said," They go to the restaurant nearby to eat the food thrown out and they will come back tomorrow around this same time as I give them some cat food". Joon never thought that someone that too Sharon would be interested in cats.

Sharon then said 'ohh! That's sweet anyway'. Then Joon asked one question, " By the way, why are you here ,Sharon? ".

She just thought of confessing but couldn't tell him directly.  She was trying so hard to tell a lie and just told,' hmm.. that is .....actually because....'

When she was telling something that even she couldn't understand, both of them heard a voice.

' The kids nowadays are so distracted. How can they just spend all their time doing things other than studying!,What are we going to do ?' said her Science teacher to the other teacher. Sharon  and  Joon knew that if they saw them both just sitting together,  they would get into trouble as those teachers were so strict when they see a boy with a girl,and that too alone.  They don't even allow students to just sit or talk to each other.

So, Joon at that instant held Sharon's hand tightly and started to run,

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