STAR gang

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Joon. He was a smart boy who was also very tall and had a characteristic of a total kind heart. He was also  fair looking. He didn't have a lot of friends but still enjoyed everything that he did.

Joon did a lot of things similar to Sharon. He was tall and smart like her. He also didn't participate in much of sports but he did yoga. He was quite artistic and he used to draw beautiful pictures of sceneries and cartoon characters.

He was a silent boy who nearly did mind only his own work. His friend circle was also very small and one can see his smile occasionally that too when he is with his close friends

But, Rose never ever once thought that her friend Sharon would like a guy like Joon

Sharon was a total introvert and she was also the one who is like the teachers pet

But,how did an introvert like her be a friend with Rose,who is quite the opposite?   The answer is simple

Studies mattered a lot. The teachers made the students to sit in groups for studying and that is how they met and became friends. In Sharon's group, there were a total of four ~ Sharon, Tara, Alice and Rose.

Tara and Alice were close friends from their childhood. They were quite like Sharon. They studied during their free time and rarely did other things. But,unlike Sharon they did sports and were really good at it.

Rose,who was a wild one didn't stick to one group but went on to different groups whenever she thought. And finally she somehow ended up in this group.

All these four members started their relationship from studies but somehow they turned to become life long friends. They roamed around the school campus together and walk like a small gang. Wherever they went, all of them did together.

They named themselves as "STAR" basically from the first letter of their names.

But none of them expected that one moment when Sharon said she likes Joon...

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