another d day

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The vacation holidays started and after those holidays, Sharon and her classmates would become the seniors. Like every year, that year too her parents took Sharon to the cardiac centre. This time they took her a bit early as once Sharon said that she felt breathless while walking up the stairs while going to the rooftop.

Her parents were very concerned about that and when the doctors from the cardiac centre saw her, they gave some tests. Sharon was carefree. She never thought that she would have any problems in her health but after the results came, to Sharon's surprise the doctors told that she needed a surgery. They found out that one of the valves in her heart was incompetent and that is why she felt breathless. They suggested that she should get her heart surgery as soon as possible.

Her parents said okay to them. They seemed as if they knew that it was going to happen. Sharon was still in the state of shock. After they left the clinic, Sharon asked her parents what is wrong with her. Her eyes flooded but she didn't cry. Her voice changed to a bit of shrill. Her parents knew that it was the time,she knew all the truth.

As Sharon's parents were doctors,they did periodic check up on her. Her dad already had some heart issues and underwent surgery when Sharon was a two year old kid. That is when they found out that Sharon's dad and Sharon had a condition called ' marfan syndrome'

It is a disorder in which the connective tissue in the body becomes defective and as a result, the person becomes tall and has a lean structure. Those persons also tend to develop heart diseases and scoliosis. They may even get short sightedness. And this disorder was inheritance with a 50% chance. Sharon's dad was diagnosed with that disorder when Sharon was a two year old and so her parents took her to check up periodically in case she develops the symptoms. And unfortunately,she too had the same disorder.Now, Sharon understood everything. The reason why she got scoliosis and her eyesight and now, her heart.

She was just struck by all these inputs in one day. She felt numb. She couldn't think straight and she felt as if she was in denial. Her parents comforted her and took her home. They planed the surgery to be on the vacation itself so her senior year would go peacefully. They scheduled the date on the following week and decided to get her the surgery. The doctors told her that it would take a stay of 2 weeks in the hospital and her parents agreed.

That one week before the admission into the hospital, Sharon felt as if she lost everything. She thought that she could never be beautiful when she gets another scar that too on her chest. She was afraid that her friends would talk badly at her. And also she didn't want Joon to know about this ad she thought he would leave her and feel pity on her. Her mind started to give a thousand possibilities. She even questioned herself if she got a dream that too did she really wanted to be a doctor. She felt as if she fell in a dark whole where nothing seems to exist. But, still she didn't cry even a single drop. She wanted to stay positive so her parents wouldn't feel bad about her. She just smiled whenever they asked if there was any trouble.

The day before the admission, Sharon couldn't control her feelings , she called Tara and told her everything about her condition and her impending surgery. Tara asked the cardiac clinic's address and listened to everything Sharon was saying. Sharon spoke to her about her thousands of possibilities and still Tara listened.

The next day, Sharon and her parents packed things and went for their admission in the hospital. In the evening,they were given a room and Sharon was given a hospital gown and the nurse asked her to do some tests. When she was getting ready for them, she saw Tara and Rose waiting in the door for her. She hugged both of them and said," I missed you guys so much". Tara and Rose laughed a bit and they gave her company.

Rose wanted to distract Sharon and so she started to tell about her matchmaking service stories to her. Tara also spoke about her new puppy. Sharon was quite happy when her friends visited her. On seeing her face, Tara hugged Sharon and told her that ," No matter what, we are still here. You are our special friend, Sharon and also we don't have anyone who is better in tutoring us" she said laughing. Sharon too smiled and asked Tara a favor. Sharon knew that this vacation she couldn't go anywhere. She knew that she couldn't attend the summer class that Joon and Sharon planned to attend. So, she asked Tara not to tell Joon the truth about anything. She also asked Tara not to tell to her fellow classmates as well Sharon knew that,in case Joon wanted to know where Sharon was,the first thing would be to contact Tara as he knew Tara was the only one who Sharon shared everything with.

And Tara accepted not to tell him...

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