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At that evening, after they played that one game,

Tara ,Alice and Rose got in front of Sharon and asked

"Are you in your right mind? Or did you study a lot to lose your mind? "

Sharon was genuinely surprised but she just smiled

She said she didn't actually want to tell but for once she couldn't think of anything else other than to answer

Rose said ,"I don't know if you did the right thing or the wrong one. You are good at holding things but why did you tell Sharon?"

Sharon didn't know how to answer that. But she said that " I think now I have to face the consequences"and she did.

The next day, the news spread like a wildfire. Everyone including the boys started to know about this game and Sharon's confession. All of the girls started to comment. And also they did start to compare and did all the things like calling Joon while Sharon enters the class

Rose knew they would happen as she once told that she likes James from the neighbouring class and faced the consequences same as Sharon

But, for Sharon it was all new. Sharon,since she never spoke to anyone about anything other than studies, she literally didn't know what to do

At first,it was all so good for her. She was quite happy and had an intense feeling when the girls started to call her as Joon. She thought that having a crush is really not that bad

But,things changed after a few days.

The girls didn't stop. They compared both of them at every possible time and at one time she couldn't bear it.

Now she understood her consequences.

She also realized that she has told them something that must have been kept as secret. But,it was too late when she realized it.

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