the other half

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When Rose started to speak, Sharon just lied on the table with her head resting on her hand and listened to every word Rose told.

Rose started to speak, " It was in sixth grade, Sharon.  The boys played the same game that we did ". Sharon couldn't think of anything to say but she just listened.  Rose also told her that the boys asked the same question to Joon. Rose then asked Sharon," did you know what he said?". Sharon as obvious didn't know but this time she was so curious so she said ' hmmm, maybe some girl '.

Rose said ," I like Sharon ". That was the answer given by joon she said.

When Rose told her about this, Sharon couldn't stop herself from blushing.  Her face became pink and she couldn't say anything else. She felt as if she was bewitched by something.  Rose also continued , after that incident the boys compared him with you.

She also asked,  " Are you sure that you didn't know about this, Sharon? , it seems like all those who were studying in this school from fifth grade seem to know about this".

Actually Rose came to the school where Sharon is studying only the last year but it seems like she knows a lot about her classmates than Sharon who has been in that school from her kindergarten.

Sharon was a little bit embarrassed because she didn't know about any of this, (mainly because all she did was studying). Rose found out instantly that Sharon didn't have any idea about this. However Rose felt that her friend is too genuine and she was so ready to play the matchmaker.

Rose also said that Joon liked her and that must have been the reason why he always sat next to you. Sharon was a bit confused when Rose said that, as Sharon  never sat beside a boy. She asked,"what?,when did I sit next to him?" Rose answered quickly do you not remember, we are two groups boys and girls. The one sitting at the right corner is you and the one sitting at the left corner of the boys is him. So, it is similar to sitting near.

Sharon just smiled and gave a small bite on rose's shoulder.  I think I was too much of a kid to think like that, she said smilingly.

All of these things started to melt Sharon as she had never thought of being in a relationship before. Joon was her first crush. So, for her everything seems to be new.

She never thought that someone would like her as she was quite too tall than the other girls and she was not that good looking.  But,it seems like everyone will have an admirer afterall....

Love,Life and SicknessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя