a bit of mom's magic

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As soon as the vacation began, Sharon's parents took her to the best hospital for spine repair which was located in the nearby city. It took them two hours to travel there. When they entered the hospital,  Sharon was given a hospital gown and the nurses started to take various tests for surgery.

Sharon could do nothing but endure everything.  She went for various tests and the doctors fixed her surgery date after a week. First she thought she could just quickly finish off all these and recover quickly but as the date for surgery came closer, she suddenly felt a feeling of fear.

She couldn't stay positive anymore.

She had all thoughts of surgery going wrong and the presence of a big scar throughout her life.  She was also worried if her friends could still support and be with her. When her thoughts raced like anything. She even thought that Joon and other other classmates would start to pity her. She started to worry and resent everything.  She even started to blame God for all of this. She couldn't just think straight at all.

When she came to this situation, she just decided to stay away from everyone. She didn't speak even to Tara. She just wandered around the hospital and looked outside her windows. Her mom who was with her during all this time started to notice this change in Sharon.

Her mom took Sharon to the gallery in that hospital and told her that this is what we doctors see each day, Sharon look around well, you can see someone without an arm, you can see someone who is in a lot of pain, you can also see someone who is in a wheelchair.  Now look at you, you look good and better than anyone of them, Sharon.  Sharon we must always think about what we have. I know that you may feel different from your classmates but think that when none of them went through this, you are still brave and that is what makes you special dear. Everything has a reason to happen and you are the chosen one because God knows that you are the only one who could endure this, her mom said.

Sharon just hugged her mom with a feeling of new hope and want, to overcome everything ahead of her. She didn't worry after that day and spoke with a spark in her voice as always.

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