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Sharon knew that at some point of time she has to tell her friends the truth but she never expected it to be that soon.

However she started to speak. She told Tara all those things the doctors told and while she spoke she couldn't control her eyes from bursting into tears. Sharon also told Tara about the decision to go for a surgery and she may not come to school for few months after summer vacation.

Tara was so shocked when she heard about her best friend who was about to get a surgery,she didn't say a word but just hugged Sharon. Her hug was warm like a mid summer with care and love. Sharon embraced her tightly and couldn't do anything but cry. Tara patted on her back and told her ," Sharon, whatever it be, we all have your back" and Tara did mean everyword she spoke. Soon, the STAR gang came to know about this and did all things in the short time to make Sharon forget about her impending surgery and just enjoy the present.

Rose however reminded that one thing ' Joon'. When Rose mentioned about him, Sharon just thought that she would just push away her confession after she gets all better but still whenever she saw Joon, her heart fluttered like anything and she even started to feel what butterflies feel like.

She kept those butterflies to herself until her summer vacation and surgery gets over. Sharon was scared sometimes when she thought of others speaking up behind her back. She was also scared of another one thing - 'scar'.

Though there was nothing she could do about it,she hoped she would come to school early and just be normal like anyone else.

Summer that year was warm and holidays began after the second week of that month. Butterflies and plants were shining in that sunny light and small kids from neighbourhood played soccer on the street. Everything seemed to be in its place, now there was only one thing left to do - her surgery

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