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Sharon and Joon took their next step into their life. Both of them are now in a secured position in their lives. They have achieved what they wanted the most in their studies. Now, Joon is doing his master's degree in his hometown with a part time research job in architectural advances. Sharon is in her residency doing dermatology. She also gets allowances and part time internship from her research papers.

When Joon proposed to her, nothing seems to be the end for Sharon. She felt as if it was the first time they met each other. She felt as if the butterflies were flying in and around her.

For Joon, it was different. He took in a lot of courage to ask the girl,who he loves the most. He was a bit tensed when Sharon was thinking of what to answer,but was confident that his proposal would be accepted.

Between their love, nothing seemed difficult. They forgot about their differences and weaknesses. When their life was set with a good scope and their love turned a new leaf, sickness doesn't seem to be such a big thing. They both knew that Sharon could never be normal but atleast for the time being she has the right to be happy and enjoy even a single second.

Sickness has always been a part of life. For some, it comes at a younger age, some at older age. For some, it is curable and for some,it is incurable. It doesn't really matter for someone unless they think so deep about it. Sickness will stay with us always and it is only our perspective which changes our look towards life. When one is sick, other than caring for themselves,they think more about the one who cares for them. So did Sharon.

When sickness is just a part of life, Sharon found a love in her life. Joon had a big heart which was enough for Sharon to get in.

After a few days, Sharon and Joon announced their next step of their relationship to their families. Their families were quite happy as both of them knew each other well and were okay with their relationship. Joon never failed to impress Sharon's dad but always accepted that one condition of Sharon's dad which was.  'never interfere in her studies'. Joon's parents also adored Sharon very much. After coming to the hometown, Sharon took care of Joon's dad with changing of his meds and check up once in a while.

After the families accepted the decision of their wedding, they fixed the date for their wedding to be after three months as that would be easy for both their families to arrange things for the wedding.

Sharon and Joon were really happy and both spent a lot of quality time together. They went to movies, malls ,parks and lots of places. Joon got his license in driving a car and later he took Sharon to various places during weekends as well.

Their dates were so good and they felt like a cute married couple even before they got married. They had some chicken fights when they didn't call each other for an entire day but still made up after some time.

After a month, the residency started for Sharon and Joon would pick her up everyday at night from the hospital. Once, when Sharon was running late, she overheard some nurses talking about a guy who seemed so good. She wasn't that curious at that time but when she went closer to the gate and there she saw Joon waiting for her. One nurse came closer to her and told Sharon that the guy looks so hot without knowing that he was Sharon's fiance. Sharon got a bit angry but said with a smile," Nurse, he is engaged". The nurse was looking at her like what!? Who is that girl? And before she could say a thing, Sharon went towards Joon and held his hand. He too dipped into her and gave her a kiss.

The nurse was quite surprised when she saw Joon kissing Sharon. She never expected him to be Sharon's fiance. Sharon then smiled once again at her left with Joon. Even a small event with Joon made Sharon's heart race like anything. She loved him and he too knew that.

Joon's master's degree program started after a week but still he would pick up Sharon at nights. Their love was so special and only they could feel it.

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