permission to date

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Joon and Sharon were standing in the front of the hospital where they saw Joon's mom waiting at the pharmacy. Joon was literally confused as he was the one who used to buy meds whenever someone needs something. He knew that something was wrong but couldn't figure out what. He was like the one standing in between his mom and his girlfriend. His parents didn't know about their relationship. He thought of bringing over Sharon that weekend to introduce her to his parents but it seems that their meeting was preponed.

Sharon saw Joon's expression and she knew that he has to know what was happening there. So, they both went closer to Joon's mom. His mom was waiting in the long queue and didn't notice them. Joon went closer to his mom and spoke up," Mom, what are you doing here?". On hearing his voice, his mom turned to see Joon and Sharon closeby. Before she could answer, Joon's dad came from the back side. He said," Seems like we are caught. Joon, I will explain you everything but first come with me to the room upstairs( His dad saw Sharon meanwhile), you can bring her as well" he said looking at both of them.

Sharon and Joon followed his dad and went to the inpatient department, where they went to a room with the name of Joon's dad in the front. After going inside,his mom too came together. All the four of them were in the room and Joon broke the silence by saying," So, what is exactly happening dad?why are we here? Why is your name in the front?".

Joon looked exactly like his dad and he had characteristics of his dad as well. His dad listened patiently and said," Joon, earlier today, in the morning, I was suddenly so dizzy and I nearly fainted. So, your mom and I came to the hospital and they said that it was a very very mild cardiac attack. There is nothing to worry but it seems like I have to stay here for a few days. We thought of saying earlier but didn't know that you would come here,son". Joon was so worried and at that moment all he could think was to hug his dad and say," you could have said this before itself,dad". Joon's inspiration was always his dad. He used to speak so proudly of him. His dad was also great. He has even spoke to Sharon a lot of times before in school. But, when his dad was found to be sick, Joon couldn't think of anything else. He is very important for him and he would do anything for him.

After the father to son talk, they all looked at Sharon,who was silently watching all of this. Joon's dad remembered Sharon and asked," Sharon,how are you dear? How are your parents?" and stuff like that. Sharon was happy when he remembered her and said that all of them are fine. And to her surprise, he asked," Is Joon good to you? Is he taking you to dates or something? Is he taking good care for you? How is your dating life going on, kids?" And he said the last one looking at both of us.

Sharon looked at Joon mouthing did you tell dad?!!. He was confused too as he never told anything about his love life to his parents. His dad then looked at both of them and said ,'stay closer ,you two'. They both stood closer to each other and Joon couldn't control his wonder and asked," Dad, how did you know that I was dating, Sharon? I have never told anything about it to you". Joon's dad was sweet. He answered with a smile," I know how my son's expression changes when someone speaks of Sharon. I knew it from the start,Joon. And I also knew that Sharon too liked you as she was the only one who wouldn't just pass by but stand next to me and chat until you come from school". They all gave a smile. Joon actually didn't know that Sharon and Joon's dad are already acquainted. He looked at her with an expression of approval to one side closer to him. Joon then looked at his mom and asked," Mom, how did you know then?".

Joon's mom looked at them and said,"Joon, you know that I and Sharon's mom are friends right? ( Actually they became friends when they left Joon and Sharon at the same school and talked with each other so often). Sharon's mom never hid anything from me especially when it came to you two. As soon as she noted something suspicious among you two, she called me first and then we both were doing some detective work. We waited until you guys were going to tell us and of course here you are, we caught you right up the sleeve,huh?!". Sharon was quite surprised when his parents knew about them. She didn't have any fear except one thing, her other side which is the sickness and her past surgeries. She couldn't take marfan syndrome as a easy thing as there is always a 50% possibility that it gets transmitted to her kids. She was afraid that Joon's parents wouldn't want a sick girl to date their boy.

But, His mom knew that Sharon was thinking about something else. She looked at Sharon and said," I know you have been sick,hon...but trust me,it is not wrong to love someone if you are sick. You are such a good kid, Sharon. Being sick is a part of our life. If Joon loves you and you too love him, that is all that matters at the end. No one is here to judge your life,hon..". Her words were deep and Sharon was so touched. She hugged his mom and said," thanks a lot,aunty". She too hugged her back and said," He got into his dream college and our job is done here, hon..., it is upto you guys to lead over from here on. I know you both can do it. We are here to support you guys anyway".

They all laughed together and Joon decided to stay in the hospital after dropping Sharon at her home. There were a lot of things that happened but at the end ,it all turned to be well. Sharon then said to Joon that she would ask her parents about his dad's condition as Sharon's parents were doctors. And while parting from Sharon's home, Joon looked at Sharon with a sweet look and said," Seems like we have got permission to date from both sides huh!!?"

Sharon nodded and said with a wink," seems like I was the one to impress them",Joon then said," girlfriend is quite skilled". They shared a smallsmile and when Joon left,he gave a flying kiss to Sharon and Sharon pretended to catch it.....

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