D day

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Soon, the day for her surgery came. She hugged her parents and she was taken to the operation theatre. First she was scared but soon after the anaesthetist came and talked to her, she was alright. Her surgery began as soon as Sharon was given anaesthesia.

After few hours,
      Sharon was brought to icu and the surgery was a success. The doctors told her parents that she would recover soon and will be discharged after two weeks. After sometime, Sharon woke up and the nurses told her to stay only in the bed and not to get up from bed. So she was only lying for a week in that hospital bed. Then,she was shifted to common ward where she was given physiotherapy to walk again after another week.

Then her stitches were removed and a long scar was seen. First she couldn't bear to see her scar but soon after few weeks of recovery she didn't mind it to the extent.

After the following week, she was given meds and discharged. She felt so happy after all those days of eating hospital food and sessions of physiotherapy. This was the first time that brought smile to Sharon's face after being admitted in there.

She went home and took a lot of rest. Her friends came to vist her and they spoke to her about their vacation and every thing. They have Sharon,her favourite chocolate and told her to do some exercises to make up for the time being alone. A few days later, schools were reopened and Sharon took a medical leave for a month as she had to go for her first checkup after surgery. A month later, she went to the hospital and the doctors told her that she was fine and recovering well but they also told her some restrictions like she shouldn't carry anything on her back or any heavy objects, she shouldn't bend directly with her back but to fold the legs while sitting and not to travel in the same position for a long time.

Those restrictions seemed nothing at first but as Sharon started to go to school, she couldn't do anything by herself. She couldn't carry her school bag and had someone to carry it. She felt as if she was purely dependent on someone. Even if a pen fell down she had to get someone to do it. She really hated that but her friends from STAR really helped her to make sure she doesn't get upset or worry.

That was the time Sharon realised how lucky she was to have those good friends. Mean while,when Sharon had a person to take her and bag and help her, the other students in the class started to wonder what was wrong with her. They didn't know anything as her friends made a perfect reason as to why Sharon didn't come to school at the first place. They told them that Sharon went on a vacation with her family to a foreign country and it seemed to be delayed. Most of them however bought that story

The teachers however knew that Sharon had undergone a surgery as her parents got the medical leave and informed the teachers. Tara's false story however was not believed after a teacher came and asked Sharon if she was doing better. Soon, everyone came to know about Sharon's surgery including Joon..

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