let's date

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The final exams came at last. Everyone was reading even at last moments. Months and months of studying finally had a chance to show itself. All of them had one thing in their mind,that is to show others what they got.

Sharon and her friends also knew that this was the time they would have the chance to show their parents and their friends,the ability they have. Everyone had different causes and at last all the mattered was to do their best.

Luckily, the STAR gang had their exams in the same centre. They didn't see Joon or anyone else from his friends group. "They might have got another centre", Tara told Sharon, who had a concerned look.

The time for the exams was near and everyone went to their corresponding classes. Soon, the exams started and the STAR gang did their best. Sharon was happy on seeing the questions as those were already practiced by her a lot of times. She knew that she would ace the exam. After the exams were over, the STAR gang met up. They talked about their experience on the exams and planned to go to a juice shop which was nearby.

All the exams were finished after a few days and as planned earlier, they met at the juice shop. Now, they felt so free as there weren't any other exams remaining and all they have to do is to wait for their results. Sharon was very curious on how Joon did his exams.

She couldn't ask him straight but wanted to know about him. At the juice shop, she asked Tara on his performance as she knew that Tara and Joon would talk to each other.
( Actually Tara and Joon were distant cousins )

Tara told her that he didn't do so well. Sharon was totally shocked. She never expected Joon to do his exams badly that too when he prepared a lot. She asked Tara once again and before she could answer, Sharon on an instant, called Joon. She didn't care what Tara said and all she thought was to hear from Joon himself saying how he did his exams.

Joon picked up her call and even before Joon could say a single word, Sharon asked him to come to the coffee shop which was closer to the juice shop and she hung the phone call. Before Tara could say a thing, Sharon left her friends and went to the coffee shop and waited for Joon to show up. Tara called Sharon again and again to tell her about something but Sharon didn't care. All she could think was how Joon did his exams.

After ten minutes, Joon came inside the coffee shop. Untill then, Sharon was so nervous but her look completely changed when she saw Joon. She wanted to talk to him so badly after all those things happened between them. She stood up from her place and walked towards him.

And she just hugged him.

Joon was shocked as Sharon called him and asked to meet up and he just stood still when he saw her waiting for him. Her hug was full of care and deep emotions which were waiting for the right time to show up.

He hugged her back. Sharon's emotions were intense and she pulled back with her eyes glistening with water. Her voice was frozen when she asked him," How did you do the exams?".

It wasn't exactly what Joon expected. He thought she would ask about him or something else but it wasn't the case. Either way his look completely melted when Sharon spoke something to him.

He just smiled and said, " I did it well. I checked my answers and it seems that I can get into national college_". And before he could ask why, she said, " Thank God, now I can finally breathe". Joon was laughing and he asked ," Did Tara say something?".

Sharon,who just realised that she was talking to Joon and that too she hugged,she knew that she can't escape from him. Now,she had no way other that to face him. She pretended to look at her phone and saw Tara messaging her saying that it was just a joke that she told her about Joon flopping his exams. But, Sharon took it real serious.

She saw Joon with an embarrassing look and said ," hmm.... Yes, Tara told me something about your exams".

" Did she tell you I flopped the exams?', Joon asked Sharon with a face saying definitely. Sharon was quite surprised when Joon told her exactly what Tara said. She nodded with embarrassment.

Before Joon could ask any further questions, Sharon said that she wanted to go somewhere else and tried to go away from that place. That time, Joon pulled Sharon close to him from the back side. She couldn't see his face but his catch was warm and she definitely knew he wouldn't let go. She didn't see him in his face, Joon started to speak.

" Sharon, even if you push me away, you end up being pulled towards me. You say you don't care about me but still you wanted to know if I did well in my exams. You didn't even let your best friend complete her word that she told about me . I know you care about me, Sharon. And I too know that you like me. Now, stop pretending that you don't like me . I like you for the way you are. I like you even if you have two scars. I like you even if you have to go through some more surgeries. I am willing to go through all of it with you. And when I tell something, you too know that I mean it so seriously. Now, let's forget about all of that and start dating, Sharon", Joon said.

Sharon's eyes flooded with water. Joon withdrew his hand from Sharon and waited for her to respond.

Sharon knew that Joon was serious and this time,she didn't want to avoid him. She turned back to look at Joon with eyes watering and said ,

  " Joon, let's date ".

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