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A week passed within a blink of an eye. All the tests were performd and the doctors were ready to take Sharon to the operation theatre. She knew that it wasn't the first time but still she was a bit scared. She just prayed within herself and was smiling on the outside so that her parents wouldn't feel bad. She was taken to the theater and was soon given anesthesia. She blinked once and then all she could do was sleep.

After a long day, she was woken in the icu and there were several machines hooked up onto her. She lost track of time. All she could do was just sleep. The doctors told her that it was a successful surgery and she is recovering well. After a few days of drowsiness, Sharon came to her senses and realised that there was a large scar on her chest. That was the only thing she worried. But still she held her eyes from getting watery. She wanted to stay brave and positive till the end. So she comforted herself.

As each day passed, the machines were unhooked and her parents visited her during visiting hours. They were happy to see her recovering well. Her mom told her that within a few days, she would be shifted to general ward. That time Sharon just wanted to get out of that hospital.

She was given some physiotherapy to walk around the icu and the next day most of her iv lines were removed and a dressing was done for her scar. And she was taken to the general ward. She was given meds for pain and healing. After a few days in the ward, Tara came to visit Sharon. She told Sharon's parents to take rest while she stayed and her parents also left Tara alone with Sharon.

Sharon was happy to see Tara. She just asked her a lot of questions about the classes and her experience in senior year. Tara told about the vacation classes that she attended. Suddenly,she apologized to Sharon. Sharon couldn't understand why she apologized but Tara just said that," I'm really sorry Sharon, I knew, you told me not to tell but at the end I couldn't resist but to tell".

Sharon first couldn't think as to what Tara was talking about but when Tara opened her room's door, she was Joon waiting with a bouquet.

Sharon was shocked. She never wanted Joon to see her. She looked at Tara with an expression of 'what is he doing here?!!'. Tara hugged Sharon and said closer to her ears," Sharon, he asked me about a million times as to where you were and why you wouldn't pick up the call. He didn't believe me when I said you went to a vacation trip. At last, I had no excuses but to tell him about this. Don't worry,I told him only about your surgery". Sharon was so awestruck when her best friend told Joon about her surgery. She wanted to shout at Tara but still she hugged her and said ," That's ok, Tara".

Tara left the room saying," I will be with Sharon's parents. You guys go ahead and talk".

Then there was noone else other than Joon and Sharon. When Joon entered her room, strangely Sharon couldn't hold back her tears. She felt as if a lot of thoughts striking down her mind like lightnings. She couldn't endure anymore. She just cried with tears flooding her eyes. Joon, on seeing her came closer and hugged her tightly saying that," It's alright, it's alright".

Sharon, who held back a lot of tears just to make the people surrounding her happy, finally cried as of releasing all those thoughts into thin air. She hugged Joon and cried into his jacket. She cried saying," Why is this only happening to me?!!, Why is everything going worse?. I can't endure anymore. I have tried to stay positive but I is so difficult" she said weeping into Joon's shoulder. Joon just listened to everything Sharon said, hugging her close and patting her.

After some time, Sharon calmed herself with her eyes looking like a pool of water. She sat down and saw Joon with her watery eyes. It was her first time crying in front of a classmate, that too Joon. She had no words to say. But, she felt herself at peace as she just released all those emotional she held within herself.

Sharon held the bouquet Joon brought for her with Joon sitting in front of her,looking with concerned eyes. She knew that she owes Joon an explanation.

So she started to speak.

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