Chapter 8: Beach Time!!

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The boys all went and got changed while I sat on a beach chair waiting. They finally came out of the changing area and stared at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Why aren’t you changed?” Dong Hyun asked.

“I don’t have a swimming suit. Unlike you guys, I don’t always have extra clothes with me. I mean, I could take off my skirt and swim in my shorts and school shirt,” I explained.

Dong Hyun twitched his nose. “Hyun Seong, take her to the gift shop and get her a swim suit…”

“Okay,” Hyun Seong replied.

“Here, use my card,” Dong Hyun handed Hyun Seong a small plastic card.

 Hyun Seong put his hand out and I took it. We walked off the beach over to the gift shop.

“Hey! Wait up! I want to help,” Jeongmin shouted, running behind us.

As the three of us looked through the swimming suits, we couldn’t agree on one to get.

“Bikini!” Jeongmin shouted, holding up a two-piece.

“A girl should be modest among boys. I think a one piece would be better,” Hyun Seong said.

“Uh… guys, can I decide for myself?” I asked.

“No,” the two replied.

As the two continued to argue, I went over to the store clerk and asked her opinion. She gave me a nice blue tankini with a sarong. I grabbed the card from Hyun Seong’s pocket and checked it out. As the boys continued without even noticing, I went and changed then walked back to the beach.

“Hey! ____________, wait up!” Jeongmin shouted.

When Jeongmin and Hyun Seong came into view, they suddenly stopped and stared at me.






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