Chapter 13: Stepping On Thorns.. uh... Toes...

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As soon as we started practicing for the talent contest back at Starship Entertainment, Dong Hyun started to regret his decision.

"Ow!" Youngmin shouted.

"I'm sorry!" I apologized.

Youngmin started to tear up. "She stepped on my toe."

Dong Hyun put his hands on my shoulders. "Why are you so bad at dancing?"

"I-I don't know," I said.

"I thought you said you loved to dance?" Minwoo asked, rubbing his feet after the many times I stepped on them.

"I do... I didn't say I was good at it," I replied.

Everyone groaned, sitting around and rubbing their sore feet and injuries. I sighed.

"It's already 11 at night... why don't you guys go rest? I'll keep practicing," I said.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Hyun Seong asked, petting my unruly hair down.

"I'll be fine," I replied.

The boys went into a different room to rest and I stayed in the practice room. The door clicked open again.

"I said I would be fine," I said, not looking at the door.

"It's me, ____, auntie," Auntie said.

"Oh, hey! Auntie don't you worry about a thing, I'll practice all night if I have to," I stammered.

"What song are you doing?" Auntie asked.

"Oh, um, I think we're doing Boyfriend's debut song, Boyfriend," I replied.

"Can I ask you another question?" Auntie asked.


"How do you feel when you dance and listen to that song?"

I stopped and thought about it. "I feel happy, as if Boyfriend oppa really is my boyfriend."

"But how do you feel when you actually perform it."

I hesitated. "Awkward."

"That's why you can't dance well. Go ____, I've never told you this before, but here is the reason I introduced you to this school. Remember in 6th grade when you did your first dancing and singing performance to "Follow That Dream" by Elvis Presley?"


"Well, that was what impressed the school board. You danced and sang with feeling. You're one of the only people I've known that can sing with such feeling and dance with a message."

"But that was to swing music, nothing special."

"It was special to everyone who watched you. Because they felt your passion to follow your dreams. So instead of dancing to something that's popular, try something that describes how you feel."

"I don't know how."

"Well, how do you feel about dancing in this contest?"

I thought about this for a long time. My aunt left soon after, leaving me in a sea of thoughts.

I feel... angry... sad... distraught... but most of all... bullied. I've just realized that I haven't been able to chase my dreams for four years... because of one person. You know what? I do know what I feel like. I feel as if I just stood up to someone bigger, that because I got this performance instead of her... I'm.... I'm...

I quickly pulled my macbook out of my backpack and opened a browser to youtube. I typed in "Titanium" and clicked on the song by David Guetta. For three hours straight, I danced and I sang like I never had before. I felt... invincible.

"You shoot me down!

But I won't fall!

I am Titanium!"

The song ended and I crumpled into a worn out heap. I heard a slow clap behind me and turned around to see the boys entering.

"You had it in you all along," Hyun Seong said.

"But why'd you hide it?" Kwangmin asked.

I smiled. "When you fear something, you hide. But I learned... the longer you hide, the bigger that fear will get. But if you face that fear, it'll begin to break down to a point of no return. That's just what I'm going to do at tomorrow's performance," I said triumphantly.

The boys smiled and together we practiced until the peak of dawn. I was worn out and tired but ready to fight my war.







PYOONG <3333

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