Chapter 14: A Twisted Ankle and A Twisted Bully

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As I put on my finishing touches on my make up and outfit my phone buzzed. I looked at it to see a text from Jeongmin.

[From: Jeongminnie I:1973481023ab912]

Hey! Meet with me at the top of the stairs outside the auditorium. I need to tell you something! See you there.


I laughed.


I looked around the auditorium to see that Jeongmin wasn't there and confirmed that it must've really been him. I rushed out of the auditorium over to the stairs. Suddenly the lights went out.

"Uh, Jeongmin?" I asked.

I heard lots of shuffling and a muffled scream. Then it came, "Go ____, it's a trap! Run!" Jeongmin shouted.

Out of nowhere, I was pushed and I fell down a flight of stairs. Luckily I didn't land on my head. Sadly, I landed on my right foot.

"GAH!" I shouted.

The lights went back on and I looked up the stairs. There stood Mi Yun and her posse. While she stood there, arms crossed and smirk on her face, her posse of two held onto a tied up Jeongmin.

"Mi Yun? Why... why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Why? Because you took away my title... my scholarship... MY BOYFRIEND," Mi Yun shouted. "Take him down there with her. Be careful, he may not be my favorite but he's still a Boyfriend."

The two walked Jeongmin down the stairs and then pushed him down next to me. I tried to stand up but it hurt so bad. I persevered and got to my knees, only to be pushed down again. Mi Yun locked the stair doors and they walked away.

"Are you okay, Jeongmin?" I asked.

"I'm fine, but what about you?" he asked. "You don't look so fine."

"I think I twisted my ankle," I said.

Jeongmin pulled my foot out and gasped. "More like broken, we have to get help."

I panicked and then remembered. "My phone! I brought it with me!"

I pulled my phone out of my short's pocket. "No bars... what... the... hell." I said in disbelief.

Jeongmin stood up and grabbed my phone with his tied hands. He jumped around until he finally got a bar. He quickly texted Dong Hyun who instantly came bursting through the doors.

"What happened?" Dong Hyun asked.

"No time to ask! How much time do we have left until we go on?" Jeongmin said as Dong Hyun untied him.

"It already started. Mi Yun said you walked out on us to go on a date so she took your place. If we get there in time, maybe... just maybe, we can interrupt her performance," Dong Hyun explained.

Jeongmin blushed at his statement.

As the boys quickly ran up the stairs, I struggled to my feet and clambered up the stairs. As I arrived backstage my aunt embraced me.

"Thank God you're okay," she whispered.

"No time for embracing, we have to get you on stage," Minwoo said.

I nodded and limped over to the group. Hyun Seong backed me up and looked at my ankle.

"You twisted your ankle," he said.

"Uh, um, it's nothing I'm fine," I stammered.

"No, you can't go on like that. You'll hurt yourself even more. Just leave it to us," he said.

"NO! I want to do this," I shouted.

"You don't have to do this," Youngmin said.

"I want to do this. You told me that bullying isn't alright. Well, it's time for me to let Mi Yun know that," I said.

"Are you positive?" Youngmin asked.

I smiled. "I'm always positive."

As Mi Yun prepared for her big ending, I told the d-jay to change the song as Boyfriend and I bursted onto the stage.

*Note: Italics = English*

"Thank you, Mi Yun, for your opening act. Now... ARE YOU FOLKS READY FOR THE MAIN ACT?" I shouted excitedly, wincing now and then at the pain of my ankle. I danced my best and sang my best, even with a bad ankle. Never had I felt so.. alive... brave even. I was victorious. At the end of our performance, it was time for the announcement of the winners...

"And 1st place goes to... Boyfriend and Ms. Go _____, representing Ms. Go's class! Congratulations!" The MC shouted.

Boyfriend and I took our trophy with satisfaction and watched as Mi Yun stormed off with her posse. She should've known better... bad guys never win.







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