Chapter 60: Ninth Surprise!!

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"Kwangmin, why are you so rushed?" I asked as I put my heels on.

"Oh, no, no, no, you are not wearing heels. Pregnant woman need to wear slip ons. Here," Kwangmin scolded, taking my heels on and slipping my silver flats on.

I sighed and sat on the couch, watching as he rushed around the dorm, making sure he hadn't forgotten anything. Today was our high school reunion. Even though I hadn't graduated from the school, I was still invited as a guest of Boyfriend. It's been forever since I last seen my old classmates. Kwangmin had prepared everything, pampering me like there was no tomorrow.

I am currently in my fourth month of pregnancy. When I went to the obgyn, she told me that I had caught onto my pregnancy just in time. If I had found out later, I would've put myself in serious health risk with all the managing I do for Boyfriend. I'm glad I did catch on earlier. I don't know what I would've done if I put my offspring in danger.

Now, back to Kwangmin... yup... he's still rushing around the house in a flurry of panic. Why is he so nervous? I looked down at the dress that Kwangmin had specially tailored for me. Something seemed awfully familiar about it... It was a periwinkle blue dress that was long in the back and short in the front. A sash adorned the waist area and was lined in silver. It was a one shoulder dress. The dress was so light and fluffy. I loved it. But... it was... really familiar. I snapped out of my trance as my phone began ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Min Hee-ah ~ I'm here to pick you up! Kwangmin said he needed to find something so I came to pick you up. I hope you don't mind," Donghyun replied.

"Oh, Donghyun? Oh... um... okay," I pouted and glanced at Kwangmin's room where he was rummaging.

I sighed and stood up. Slowly I walked towards the front door and grabbed a jacket. Donghyun suddenly came in through the door with his spare key. The two of us walked out to his car and he drove us to Top Talent Academy. The drive seemed to take forever, taking different turns after turn. Donghyun parked the car and stopped, turning towards me.

"So, how are you feeling?" Donghyun asked.

"Good. Been feeling a lot more tired lately, though. I've also been eating a ton, and Kwangmin keeps pampering me," I chuckled.

"That's good. Don't strain yourself too much. Do you know what the gender of the baby is yet?"

"Um... we decided to keep it a secret."

"Can I at least know the names you chose?" Donghyun raised an eyebrow. I could tell he was really anxious to know about his "grandchild."

"Uh. No!" I made an innocent face, earning a dejected look from him. "But I'll tell you one thing."

I gestured for him to come closer so I could whisper. I cupped his ear in my hand and told him the news.

"What? No way!" Donghyun said, ecstatic. "You're not kidding me are you?"

"Nope! Please don't tell anyone else. I want to keep it a surprise," I clasped my hands together.

"My lips are sealed," he chuckled, zipping his lips together. "Let's go in. I think they're done preparing now."

"Preparing?" I asked questionably.

I shrugged my shoulders and the two of us walked into the school, toward the ball room. Hyun Seong was waiting for us. I looked at the two suspiciously as Donghyun handed me off and walked around the back entrance. I sighed and walked with Hyun Seong down the hallway towards the ball room.

"Have you been staying healthy?" Hyun Seong asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"No junk food?"


"Doing daily stretches?"

"Hyun Seong... stop being such an umma," I laughed.

"Sorry," Hyun Seong apologized.

As we neared the room, Jeongmin and Minwoo opened up the doors, welcoming us inside. The ball room was packed with classmates all around. The music suddenly stopped as I entered and everyone turned towards me. I shrunk in size at the sudden attention.Youngmin came up and linked arms with me as Hyun Seong departed.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

"Um, something really big and special," Youngmin beamed.

The crowd divided and Kwangmin was waiting in the spotlight for me. I grinned and unlinked arms with Youngmin, rushing towards Kwangmin.

"How'd you get here so fast?" I asked, hugging him around the neck.

"Let's not ask any questions now," Kwangmin whispered softly.

He whipped out a bouquet of sunflowers, baby's breath, and roses. I gasped and took them from him, burying my nose in the wonderful scent. The curtains on stage opened and there stood the other five Boyfriends in their "My Lady" apparel. The song started and I watched in awe as they slowly reenacted all the dates and moments I had with Kwangmin; from the day we met to the day I left Korea. Once they got to Kwangmin's rap, the spotlight returned to him and he held a microphone in hand.

"Min Hee, you are everything to me.

I'd do anything for you.

And now I have another person to love, too," he grinned and hugged me around the waist.

"I am the sunflower and you are my sun.

Please always be with me.

Now here's where it gets fun."

He got down on one knee and held out a small jewelry box with a ring inside. He took my left hand and kissed it.

"Will you marry me?" He finally asked.

I held my breath, unable to answer from all the joy building up inside me. Softly, I nodded, and he slipped the ring on my ring finger. We stood there in the middle of the room, gazing at each other, not saying anything. Everyone looked at each other questionably before the boys on stage rolled their eyes and shouted down at us.

"Kiss her!" The urged.

The two of us jittered, startled by their sudden outburst. Kwangmin rubbed his neck awkwardly before I pulled him in and softly planted one on him.

Ladies and gentlemen. Jo Kwangmin and I are finally getting married.










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