Chapter 48: Not Repeating History

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Once we arrived at the dorm, we all sat around the living room to discuss the matter. My father was also there with us, saying he disallowed me being in the dorm without him. Hyun Seong poured me some iced tea they began asking me questions.

“So what’s wrong? Why does she want you to come back to America?” My father asked.

I sighed and put my cup of tea down then replied, “She wants me to give up on my dream of becoming an idol.”

“Oh… I was expecting an answer like that,” my father nodded and crossed his arms.  “And how do you feel about it?”

“What do you mean?” I asked. “I mean… of course, I’m upset and mad…”

“And?” Donghyun jumped in, leaning on the couch behind my father.

My eyes fell upon the floor. “And I feel heartbroken. I’m heartbroken my mother would want me to give up on my dream like this. A mother is supposed to support her child’s dreams, not crush them.”

“Please understand,” my father insisted.

“Understand what? I understand she is still heartbroken due to music but that was a long time ago. Dad, you said so yourself. If she really love you, she would have gotten over it!” I shouted. After realizing what I had said, I gasped and covered my mouth. “I-I’m sorry, Dad. I didn’t mean.”

“No, no, it’s okay. I understand how angry you feel. I just want to add, though, that I regret ever saying that,” my father said in a hushed voice. “She really did love me. It was my fault for leading her on, making her think I didn’t love music when I really did. I guess we just weren’t as compatible as I thought we were.”

“Oh, Dad… don’t say that,” I said, walking over to him. I sat by his side and gave him a hug.

“So,” Youngmin spoke up.

I turned to him with a sullen expression.

“Are you going back?” He continued. “Are you going to leave South Korea for America?”

I exasperated loudly. “I’ll leave it up to fate. If I leave, then music and I weren’t meant to be. If I stay, then I will probably be the happiest girl on Earth.”

Everyone’s expressions were crestfallen after they heard my words.

“But,” I continued. Everyone’s attention was once again on me. “I will do whatever I can with my willpower to make sure fate leads me toward my dream. I refuse to give up now. I’ve gone farther than halfway there, and I’m not about to give up on it due to one person. I refuse to repeat history… my mother’s history.”

“But she’s your mother,” Hyun Seong added.

I nodded, agreeing. “I know she’s my mother, but a child will have to disappoint her mother eventually. It’s going to happen for me sooner or later. Minus well be sooner.”

Minwoo stood up and walked over to my side, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Well, Go ____, whatever you choose, we will always support your decision.”

“Yeah!” Jeongmin jumped up with his hand in a fist. “We will be your friends no matter what.”

“Donghyun and I want you to choose whatever’s best for you and whatever makes you happy,” Hyun Seong continued.

Youngmin just nodded while Kwangmin seemed to drift deep into thought. He looked at me with his soft, sad eyes. My heart ached at the sight of his expression. Surely I didn’t want to leave, but there was so little I could do. I had my heart set on changing my mother’s mind, though. The boys all gathered in the kitchen with my father for dinner while I stayed back with Kwangmin. Kwangmin sat on the couch opposite of me and patted the seat next to him. I giggled and sat down next to him.

“You need a shoulder to lean on?” Kwangmin asked.

“Yes,” I replied, leaning on his shoulder.

Kwangmin hummed a song to me as he played with my hand. He then pulled the wrist up to his chest and took out his necklace. I glanced up and smiled as the clasped the two halves together.

“I still remember when I got that,” I whispered. “You’re a really cheesy poet.”

Kwangmin laughed and replied, “Yeah, I guess I am. I do better with rapping.”

I looked at Kwangmin whose eyes seemed far away. He smiled slightly as he stared at me.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked, poking his nose.

“A lot of things. Don’t worry about it,” he laughed, swatting my hand away.

Things like how much I love you…. How much I don’t want you to go… how much you mean to me… Kwangmin thought.

Soon I found myself drifting off to sleep. I dreamed of being on stage, singing my heart out. I dreamed of finally reaching my goal in life. I dreamed of… well… my dream. I awoke with a start due to a loud knocking on the door. As I sat up, I felt the blanket Kwangmin placed on me slide off. Jeongmin opened the door and my mother came stomping in.

“Where is she?” My mother growled.

“What is it, Mrs. Go?” Jeongmin asked, trying to calm her down.

“Where is my daughter?” She asked.

“Mrs. Go, if you would just sit down and talk this over,” Jeongmin said.

“Go ____,” my mother called out.

“Mom?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.

“There you are!” She stomped over and grabbed my wrist, trying to drag me away. “We’re going home to your auntie’s right now.”

“What? Mom, slow down. Please, can we just talk about this?” I asked.

“No! There is nothing to say. You are coming home, and you are coming home now!” She shouted, her voice wavering.

My mother struggled to drag me away when I yanked my wrist away and looked at her with a concerning expression. “No.”

“What?” She whispered.

“No, Mom, I’m not going home,” I replied.

“Well, you can’t stay here with a bunch of boys. That is quite inappropriate,” my mother blabbered.

“No, Mom, I’m not talking about houses. I’m talking about countries. I’m not going back to America,” I finally said. “Mom, I love singing and dancing. I’m so close to reaching my dreams. I’m not going to let your past experiences get in my way. I know this sounds selfish, but this is the one and only thing I ask of you, Mom. Ever since I was a kid, I listened to you. I obeyed you. I did everything to be a perfect child. Now if you would just hear me out, you would understand how much staying in Korea actually means to me. Why won’t you listen?”

“Because this matter is nothing worth listening to,” she retorted.

“Well, it’s worth something to me, but your past experiences with music have nothing to do with me. You need to understand that-“ before I could finish, my mother’s palm meet with my face. My jaw dropped as I held my cheek and looked at her. My father then entered from one of the rooms, curious as to the argument.

“Go Eun Bi?” He gasped.

My mother turned towards him, startled by the sound of his voice. “Go Jin ho?”






Seems theres many readers.. Here updated! Ending is near!!! ^o^

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