Chapter 47: Running From My Dream

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"Mom, what are you trying to do?" I asked, as my mother dragged me into the house.

"Omo, Eun Bi, Go ____, you're home already?" My auntie asked.

"I'm trying to get you to give up that stupid, pop, rock star, whatever dream of yours," my mother replied, turning towards me. 

She scowled, her deep wrinkles cutting into her skin. I had never seen my mother so angry before. This was not how I imagined meeting my mother again after being in Korea for so long. I winced at her words. They cut through me like a hot knife through butter. 

"Why?" I questioned. "Why would you do that?"

She hesitated then looked into my eyes with her soulful eyes. "I made a mistake, Go ____ ah," she said softly. "I should have never let you go with your aunt. Music is evil, Go ___. The music industry, publicity, everything; it's all dangerous and evil. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"But mom, I won't get hurt. I've been here years and nothing has happened. I am sure that nothing is going to happen," I inisted.

"You don't know that!" She retorted. "You don't know anything, Go ____. You don't understand. I've seen many people, many important people, in my life who have sold their souls to the music industry. Go ____, music stole my loved ones, and I am not about to let it take you. You are my daughter, and that is all we will be talking about on this subject."

"But mom!" I shouted.

"No, buts. You go up to your room, and you pack up your things. We'll be leaving on the thirteenth," my mother interuppted.

"That's the day of the comeback! I can't miss it!" I argued, my blood boiling up to my head.

"You will miss it. Tell them to find someone to fill in for you. You are not setting one foot onto a stage while I'm alive and breathing," my mother scolded, pointing a finger in my face.

Shaking with anger, I pushed her hand away gently and hissed, "Everything was going swimmingly until you came, mom. Of all the people I would have thought that would get in the way of my dreams, I never once thought you would be one. You had always loved it when I performed it for you. Why won't you let me perform for others? I don't even... I don't even want to know anymore, mom."

Running off before my mother could reply, my tears flowed out of my eyes and streamed down my face. I covered my face with my arm and ran into my room. I locked my door and jumped into bed. Screaming into the pillow, I tried to ignore the stinging pain in my chest. My hot tears wet my face and soaked my pillow. I really couldn't believe it. After spending nearly three years at Top Talent Academy, chasing my dreams, I was going to have to give it all up. 

Why? Why? If she didn't want me to achieve my dreams, why would she agree to letting me go? She led me on only crush my dreams...

My phone began ringing loudly in my pocket. I pulled it up to see that it was my father calling. Quieting my sniffles, I picked up.

"H-hello?" I whimpered.

"Go ___? Is that you?" Kwangmin asked.

I sat up in bed, hugging my pillow. "Kwangmin? Why are you calling from my dad's phone?"

"Uh... it's because... um... not like I was visiting him. Anyway. Are you okay? You sound like your crying," Kwangmin asked.

Pausing for a moment, I felt my emotions swell up inside me. "Oh, Kwangmin, I don't know what to do. What do I do? What do I do?"

"Go ___, calm down and speak slowly. I can't understand you if you talk while crying," Kwangmin said softly. "Do you want to talk in person?"

I sighed. "I don't think I can, Kwangmin. I really don't want to leave my room right now."

"Hm, I see. You just sit tight. Here, Mr. Go, you talk to her," Kwangmin said before handing the phone over.

"Wait! Kwangmin?" I asked, wondering what he was thinking.

"Hello? Dear?" My father spoke. I could hear him sigh. "Was is mother?"

"Uh, huh," I replied. "She told me to give up on my dream. She called it silly and evil. Dad, I don't know what to do. She never been this angry at me before. I don't know how to reason with her."

"Please try to understnad her," my father replied.

"What? Understand her? Oh, I understand her perfectly. Dad, she hates me. She hates my dreams," I hissed, tears running down my face.

"Oh, Go ___, you sound like a spoiled little kid right now. Listen to me," my father insisted. "There's more to your mother than it seems. Let me tell you a story of a young woman and her broken dreams. You may be able to relate. Once upon a time, there lived a young woman, about eighteen years old. She was determined to get a degree in music and become a star. Upon entering college, she met her best frined in the whole world and the love of her life. As the girl's relationship grew on, her lover was discovered and soon whisked away to stardom, leaving her alone. The two continued to date, though they were so far apart, leaving her best friend feeling more than lonely. As time passed, the girl found out her lover had cheated on her with a costar of his. Her heart was broken to pieces. Everytime she listened to music or saw anything that had to do with music, she would remember him. Because of him, she gave up her dream and took on a more practical dream of being a beauty salon owner," he said. "Do you know who that girl was?"

"Was it... nah, that can't be it," I replied, thinking of my mother.

"It was indeed, if you were thinking of your mother," my father replied. "Unable to stand seeing her so heartbroken, her best friend gave up on his dreams, too, and followed the girl. Within time, your mother and I married, then you came into existence. You were an adorable little thing. You always sang to yourself and moved as if you were dancing, even though you were still an infant. I wanted more for you. I wanted you to chase your dreams and to not be like me or your mother. After you were born, I realized that I still wanted to achieve my dreams. Your mother disapproved and I realized, though I loved her, if she really loved me back, she would have supported my dreams no matter what. That is why I left." 

"No way... Mom never told me any of this," I gasped.

There was a knock on my window, which startled me. I dropped my phone on my bed and turned towards my window to see Kwangmin peeking in. My jaw dropped in shock, and I picked up my phone again.

"Uh, Dad, I'll have to call you back," I said, hanging up.

I walked over to the window and opened it. Kwangmin laughed to himself as I stared at him.

"How?" I asked.

"You gate was unlocked. I just borrowed the ladder from your garage... anywho, you want to go for a walk?" Kwangmin asked.

"It's kind of getting dark out now, though," I said, looking at the setting sun.

"Hm," Kwangmin hummed. "Pack some clothes. How about a sleep over? We can ride a bus to Starship then walk to the dorm."

I sighed and nodded. I only wanted to get away from the house, away from my mom. I quickly packed my clothing and wrote a note. I stuck it onto my mirror and unlocked my door. Kwangmin climbed down the ladder with me right behind him. As we walked down the quiet street, I loked around and sighed. Kwangmin grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I looked up at him and he looked back at me with comforting eyes. I wasn't ready to leave this behind. I wasn't ready to leave Boyfriend behind. I surely wasn't ready to leave my dream behind. 

"I've decided," I said, stopping in my tracks.

"Hm?" Kwangmin asked, turning to look at me.

I looked up at him with a new spark of confidence in my eyes. "I've decided. Even though I love my mother, I refuse to run from my dream. I'm not leaving and my mother is going to have to deal with it."






*3 MORE CHAPTERS... PLEASE READ MY NEW STORY.. GO GO GO IKEMEN 5!~ Boyfriend will be starring too!~*

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