Chapter 32: My Father, Donghyun

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"How are you feeling tonight, Go ____ah?" Minwoo cooed, spinning me around.

I ducked under his arm and turned. "Woo," I cheered. "I'm feeling great. How about you?"

"Super great!" Minwoo smiled, blasting his cute personality.

So cute... I thought.

As we danced, I realized how tall Minwoo actually was.

"Wow, I didn't know you were so tall, Minwoo," I commented, moving backward as I danced.

"Nah, you're just short, hah," Minwoo laughed.

I wanted to be mad at his comment, but he was just too darn adorable. As the song ended, I looked at Minwoo and smiled awkwardly, unsure as what to do. His excited expression suddenly melted into a more serious and somber expression. He reached his hand out and hooked a hair that strayed behind my ear. As I opened my mouth to talk, he put his arm around my neck and hugged me. Surprised, I widened my eyes and tensed.

"You know, I heard Jeongmin and all the twins got a chance to go on a date with you," Minwoo whispered.

He let go of the embrace and flashed a peace sign. He smiled playfully and stuck out his tongue.

"Looks like I'm next!" Minwoo chuckled.

"Minwoo!" A group of girls shouted, suddenly appearing from the middle of the crowd. "We found you!"

"Uh oh," Minwoo gasped. He turned to you frantically. "Got to run!"

"Finally, my turn. Kwangmin thought.

I watched as Kwangmin stepped out from the crowd of dancing couples and offered a hand to me. As I was about to take it, Donghyun passed by in front of me and grabbed my wrist.

"Time for a break," Donghyun announced.

"Damn it! Hyung!" Kwangmin cursed under his breath.

"Heard that," Donghyun snapped as he dragged me away.

We went out to the front of the school and sat at the base of a tree. Because the base area was made of stone, I wasn't worried about my dress getting dirty. On the other hand, Donghyun did. He took off his shoes and laid them down, signaling for me to sit upon them.

"No, it's alright," I rejected.

"Sit," Donghyun ordered, making an angry pouty face.

I relunctantly sat down and took off my heels. I brought my knees to my chest and looked at the stars. A breeze blew by and I could feel the nice warm air of the night wrap around me. I sighed blissfully. Donghyun looked at me and smiled contently.

"What?" I asked, leaning back on my arms.

"You seem happy," Donghyun said, leaning back with me.

"I am happy. I couldn't ask for anything more than to be at a great prom with six of the greatest guys in the world in a beautiful dress," I laughed. "This night couldn't get any better."

As I thought about everything, I realized there was something that could've made this night better. My smile faded and I lowered my head. I felt the tears in my eyes swell up and flood. Donghyun knitted his eyes brows together at my actions. I pulled my knees closer and covered my face with my arms. I felt the tears begin to slowly slide down my cheeks. Donghyun patted my back and put his hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked sympathetically.

"I-I miss my mom and dad. I haven't seen my mom since I moved here, and the last time I saw my dad was when he left when I was two. I can't even remember his face," I stammered. "I do know something that would make this night perfect, Donghyun... that would be my parents. I wish they could see me and be proud of their little daughter. I want them to look at me and say, 'Oh, our daughter has grown up so much. Saranghae Go____ah!' I really do."

Donghyun pursed his lips together and thought deeply about what to do.

"How about this," Donghyun began. "We could try calling you mom in video form, and maybe we can get her to

see us now!"

I sniffed loudly and swallowed the hard lump in my throat. "Y-yeah, you're right. Let's do it!"

I quickly took out my phone and called my mom. The phone rang loudly and my mom picked up.

"Hello? Go _____? Sweety?" My mom's voice beckoned.

"Mom!" I perked excitedly. "Mom, I'm going to put you on video call, okay? Then we can see each other!"

"Oh, that'd be nice," my mom said.

I quickly pressed the video call button and my mom's image flashed onto the screen. Donghyun's facial expression softened at the sight of my mother. She looked older than she should. The wrinkles around her eyes were deep and long. As she smiled, I could see the fatigue in her eyes. Her eyelids looks heavy and weary. I could see in her long black hair that she was starting to get gray and white hairs.

"Mom, you don't look so good," I said worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, honey, it's nothing. I'm just a litte tired," my mom said.

"Try not to work too hard! Be sure to get lots of rest, okay?" I asked. "I'll come back sometime when I find the money, and we can have mother/daughter time again!"

"Oh, dear, don't worry about it," my mom laughed.

Donghyun popped into the picture and waved.

"Omo, who's this young man?" My mom asked.

"Oh! Right, mom, I just wanted you to see what I look like," I began saying.

"At prom," Donghyun finished, smiling.

"Oh? Dear? You're at prom?" She asked.

"Yep!" I replied.

"Omo, no wonder you looked so pretty! And with a handsome young boy, too. I'm so proud of you. You're so grown up," she complimented.

I smiled contently. "That's what I wanted to hear mom."

"Well, what're you video calling this old lady for? Go have fun!" My mom said excitedly as she hung up.

I looked at my phone and smiled slightly.

"What's wrong now?" Donghyun asked.

"It's just... I'd love to show my dad, too. If I knew where he was," I mumbled. "Whatever, it's nothing."

"Whoa, now hold on. How about this? How about I'll be your dad or big brother or whatever you want me to be," Donghyun teased. His expression lowered into a serious face. "Go ____ah, you look beautiful. You shine brighter than any star out there. Don't let my lack of presence ruin it. You are the greatest daughter I could ask for. You are a wonderful girl with so many possibilities in this world..."

He put his hand against my cheek and leaned it.

"And don't you ever forget that," he said, smiling and lifting his shoulders up. "Saranghae, Go ____ah."

I laughed. "I promise."

He leaned back and held his pinky out. I took him by the pinky, and we touched thumbs. "Pinky promise," we said in unison.

Dad, wherever you are, I hope you know, your daughter is very happy. She misses you lots and wishes you were here. But for now, I think this daughter will have to settle for Donghyun as her father. I hope you don't mind! Love you lots.






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