Chapter 18: Parental Credit

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As we entered, Jeongmin stated his name and the man pulled Jeongmin aside. I stood there alone for a while until Jeongmin came back. He held a bouquet of white and blue roses along with a box of chocolate. He looked at me and shrugged nervously, giving a slight smile.

So sweet, I commented in my mind.

He handed me the flowers and chocolates and together we walked to our table. As we passed by other tables they oohed and awed and made us feel just plain awkward.

“What’s this all about?” I asked him.

He scratched his neck. “I’m just trying to be a romantic date.”

I smiled ear to ear and hugged him around the waist. “Well, thanks. You succeeded.”

We enjoyed a dinner of lobster heart shaped mashed potatoes, stir-fried green beans, and filet mignon. In the middle of dinner, a violinist came over and played us a song. Jeongmin wanted to see how popular Boyfriend really was so he asked the violinist to play, “You’re My Lady”. The violinist’s eyes immediately lit up and she began to play it, well and by heart. After that she asked Jeongmin for his autograph on her violin, which made both of us chuckle. We chatted until it got dark. It was eight thirty in the evening by the time we finished.

Jeongmin paid for the dinner. As the man at the register slid the card, his expression changed to a puzzled look.

“What’s wrong?” Jeongmin asked.

“Why, it seems like this card is being rejected,” the man replied.

Jeongmin took the card and checked it. His happy expression slipped into an emotionless glare.

“My apologies,” Jeongmin said in a serious tone. “This was my parents’ card that they gave me. I have no idea why I still have it. Could you please shred it for me?”

He gave the card to the man and the man nodded. Jeongmin proceeded to give him another card and paid with that. I stood by, wondering what had happened. As we walked back to the garage, there was an awkward silence. It was quite deafening. I decided to break the silence.

“Thank you, Jeongmin, for everything. Really. First the clothes, then dinner. It was like a fantasy. When I find the money, I’ll pay you back for the dress and my half of dinner,” I said, grabbing his hand.

He looked up and gave me a smile. I could tell right through that smile, seeing that it was fake. Inside he was probably thinking about his parents and that card. I began to become really curious about it and finally my curiosity could hold no longer.

“Is something going on between you and your parents?” I asked.

Jeongmin suddenly stopped and I walked right into him. He looked at me with a sorrowful expression and said, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you about it someday… but today…” he grabbed my hand and started skipping. “We should be happy! Okay?”

I gave him a worried glanced but played along and smiled.






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