Chapter 59 : Eighth Surprise ! > ~ < O__O

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As the boys ran past me to get onstage for the last act, Ms. Lee, the woman I was speaking to earlier, took me by the arm and dragged me to the back room. She had a worried look on her face and I hesitantly followed her, not wanting to make a ruckus. Upon arriving in the back room, she led me toward the bathroom door. She shoved a small grocery bag into my hands as I looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Just follow the instructions on the box. I must confirm my suspicions," she urged, pushing me into the bathroom.

"Oh, okay?" I replied, unsure as to what I should reply.

I shut the door behind me and took the small box out. I looked at the words on the box, surprised by what I was holding. Trying to keep my head clear, I did as the instructions told me. When I realized the results of what I had just done, I didn't know what to think. I walked out of the bathroom and Ms. Lee immediately realized my situation.

"Oh, honey," she cooed. "Congratulations."

"B-but how?" I stammered, a bit shaken by the fact.

"Well, have you been experiencing any nausea or cravings, anything?" Ms. Lee asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"N-no. Not at all. I've only been feeling a bit more tired. That's all," I put my fingers on my forehead and tried to massage the headache away. "How am I going to tell Kwangmin? How is he going to react to this?"

"Honey, I'm sure that if he loves you, he'll accept you and the baby," Ms. Lee said. "Come on, let's go wait for him to come off stage. I'll take care of that for you. And remember, the sooner you tell him, the better."

Ms. Lee took the pregnancy test from my hand and put it away. I reluctantly stood by the stairs waiting for the boys to come off. My head was already spinning wildly when another surprise made its way to me. Why do I always get stuck with the surprises?

I looked at my watch, seeing that it was already past time.

"What are those boys doing?" I asked, squinting at them on stage.

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